Author Topic: The Doors show tonight  (Read 2343 times)


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The Doors show tonight
« on: August 09, 2005, 04:16:00 pm »
Site lists no opening act - is that the case?


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 04:53:00 pm »
That would appear to be true:
 Tuesday, August 9th
 Doors 7:30 PM
 The Doors 9:30 PM


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2005, 09:53:00 am »
Anyone go? How was it?


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
 It was awful.


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2005, 10:26:00 am »
I'm sure.
 Anyone who really went?


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2005, 12:38:00 pm »
I was there, front and center.
 It was awesome.  Ian did Jim justice to say the least and Robby Krueger is my new hero...he's amazing.
 The show was great!  Great music and great atmospehre.  No opening acts, but that was straight with fluff ya know?

Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2005, 12:42:00 pm »
Freddy Krueger is my hero. Always liked him better than Robby.
 Just curious: How old are you? And what was the age mix of the crowd?
Originally posted by AJ:
  I was there, front and center.
 It was awesome.  Ian did Jim justice to say the least and Robby Krueger is my new hero...he's amazing.
 The show was great!  Great music and great atmospehre.  No opening acts, but that was straight with fluff ya know?


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2005, 12:42:00 pm »
Back in 68 I was one of many people pushing for Jim's ouster and the addition of Ian as frontman.  All I can say is...It's about time.

Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »
Was Ian's weiner as big as Jim's?
Originally posted by AJ:
  I was there, front and center.
 It was awesome.  Ian did Jim justice to say the least


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2005, 05:03:00 pm »
This is a new name...
 Anyway, I'm not sure how big his weiner is, but Ian is def worth looking at for two hours straight!  Very charismatic too which makes him a great front man.
 I'm 22 and I went with a friend at work who is 45 and my mom who is 57.  The crowd was really mixed, which was nice.  A couple kids who looked about 15, people my age and people older too.  Mostly I'd say the crowd was late 20's to early 40's but that's only about 50-60%.  Other then that, the crowd was mixed really well.


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2005, 07:28:00 pm »
i went, mostly because from the ages of 13-15, the doors and the cult were my two favorite bands. i figured this show was going to be awful, but not in the musical sense...more in the tastelessness sense. it's obvious they are doing it for the money, but that doesn't necessarily mean a show can't be entertaining.
 well, i have to say that i was pleasantly surprised at their overall performance. IMO, robbie krieger was always the most interesting musical aspect of the band, though we shouldn't short-change ray manzarek's or john densmore's skills. krieger has an inimitable style and last night proved that he hasn't lost his touch. his solo during "when the music's over" was as great as anything i've seen this year. manzarek was in decent form, but couldn't reproduce the sounds/textures of his original playing (whereas krieger mostly did). ian astbury is a ham, but we already knew that. the guy's voice is as close to morrison's as it gets, and he had the arrogant rock-star moves down to a tee. i don't know who the rhythm section was, but they were serviceable.
 what mostly sucked was the banter between songs. astbury attempted to go out on a limb by spouting spontaneous jibberish, like morrison used to do, but it mostly fell flat. then again, morrison's jibberish was arguably the shakiest aspect of the band anyways. 90% of the time it was pretentious babble, and 10% of the time he said something genuinely striking and provocative (and i'm probably being liberal with 10%). manzarek's commentary was trite and tried way too hard to appear youthful and relevant (quips about the iraq war, etc).
 the funniest part of the show was when manzarek was talking about getting sued by densmore, and he didn't show any restraint in calling densmore out. there's obvious bad blood and hatred there. at the end of the day, i'm sure ray is pretty happy about his paycheck.
 they played these songs (in chronological order, not actual):
 break on through
 the alabama song
 light my fire
 back door man
 love me two times
 moonlight drive
 when the music's over
 five to one
 touch me
 wild child
 roadhouse blues
 peace frog
 the changeling
 l.a. woman
 riders on the storm
 the crowd mostly consisted of fiftyish burnt-out hippies and drunken obnoxious fratboys and their girlfriends. i didn't see much deviation from that in demographic (no minorities, indie rockers, metalheads, etc), probably because the old hippies and drunken fratboys have less problems parting with $55 to see half of the doors.
 now off to see 40% of "the new york dolls"...


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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2005, 11:22:00 pm »
Actually, I wouldn't have minded seeing that show at all.
 I too use to think they would be a very watered down almost cover group of The Doors. Saw them one night a couple years ago on some late night talk show and only stayed up to watch just for the Hell of it and curiosity. Glad that I did because I was completely taken off guard and very impressed with what I saw. Those guys ROCKED!!!! Sure, Ian is no Jim but I was surprised at how well the rest of the band pulled through and took charge. Ian didn't even bother me as much as I thought that he would. In the end, it was the band who got me.

Alex Levas

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Re: The Doors show tonight
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2005, 12:51:00 am »
Bummer--missed the show too.
 Did they give any indication that they would be returning to the 9:30 (or the general mid- atlantic area) anytime real soon?
 Also, did anyone snag an actual set list from the stage that they would be willing to photo copy for me?  Perhaps even an extra guitar pick?