Well I have three or four bargain albums now, and after repeated listens, they have grown on me. Not one of my favorites, and probably wouldn't go to see him (I tend to go to less shows than most boardies I think)...and he has grown to the point of respectability.
As for the DBT, excellent show. No sign of the Matchbox 20 looking guy you mentioned in TX. We left after 2 hours, 40 mins, and they were only on the second song of their first encore. Lord knows how long they played. The first two encore songs were solo Patterson stuff...thought it was a bit indulgent to throw those songs on that far into the show...but up until that point, fantastic. Of course, I knew the material much better this time around.
Originally posted by grotty:
Originally posted by Sacktastic Bag O' Nuts:
It's a shame that an artist as good as Joe Henry only gets 30 minutes onstasge...opening for that untalented blowhard Ani Difranco no less.
Why the change of heart? I know I remember you saying you didn't like him. Good to see that you've come around.
How was DBT? [other than smoky] [/b]