Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
Originally posted by Bollocks:
I don't think so....they'd just find another one to replace him. If he's a prisoner of the infidels they'll grab any and every doodle they can to get him released as a prisoner swap, which would never happen so it would be .....SLOSH-WHAP-BONK! Headless.
if torturing a bunch of guys that aren't even part of al queda leads to beheading, i would imagine that killing the guy who started the whole thing would lead to much much more. we can disagree on this one, though. i mean, if we caught him, couldn't we torture him into talking and giving up operatives? or is that the communist in me talking [/b]
I think if we kill the leader they'll just get another leader, because they obviously put no value on life so the personal aspect of his loss would be meaningless to them, but if we capture their leader they'll be pretty pissed.
And Celeste, what the US are doing to the prisoners is nothing other countries don't and haven't done. America just got caught on film doing it. Which genius let cameras into the interrogation proceedings? That's what the congressional hearings should be about.