Author Topic: What is the deal with illegal dumping in Rockville?  (Read 999 times)

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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What is the deal with illegal dumping in Rockville?
« on: February 05, 2012, 02:56:18 pm »
There is an extremely disturbing phenomenon of illegal dumping in Rockville that I have never seen anywhere else, not even the District. I'm not talking about the kind of illegal dumping where you dump trash on the properties of abandoned homes. I'm talking about shit like leaving 200 lb cathode-ray TVs on the side of the road because people are too lazy to properly dispose of it (usually because it costs money) and think "Gee, if I leave it on the side of the road, someone will pick it up."

I see it ALL THE TIME. On my way up Atlantic Ave to the Safeway and on Twinbrook Pkwy and Halpine on the way to the Metro. People do it with beds, box springs, TVs, computer monitors, computers, cabinets. You name it, people think if they just leave it on the side of the road it will magically disappear. Even in my years in the District, I've never seen illegal dumping on the scale here in Rockville.

For the most part, I like Rockville. But there are some seriously stupid people who live here and it just blows my mind.


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Re: What is the deal with illegal dumping in Rockville?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2012, 11:21:44 pm »
That problem is hardly exclusive to the Twinbrook/Rockville area.  More prevalent, perhaps.  Not unique, though.

The dump is, what, a 10 minute drive from there? Tops?  What can I say?  People suck.