oh, there are plenty of people who are much bigger experts than me, but i do like to think that i have other things to do in life than obsess over dylan bootlegs. at least most of the time. you're thinking of "
ten of swords," i believe. it goes up through "blonde on blonde," but the majority of it is pre-electric era, which doesn't excite me quite as much. the ultimate for bob/hawks is "
jewels and binoculars," which is a 26-disc (!) set that supposedly has every existing dylan recording from '66, including radio interviews, press conferences, and, of course, all of those amazing shows. sketchy quality on many shows, and if you have "bootleg series 4: royal albert hall," you probably don't need anything else here unless you want to be really obsssive, but these are some of the greatest rock shows ever, so, y'know. i generally only collect stuff from the 64-66 and 75-76 tours. even limiting to that i've got more than i'll ever need.