Author Topic: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?  (Read 2694 times)


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Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« on: July 29, 2003, 03:58:00 pm »


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2003, 04:14:00 pm »
$15 bucks sounds high when you consider the lack of overhead, shipping, advertising, etc.. $10 would be a much fairer price and would even attract more sales.
 I love the idea and even came up with it myself just before the first article of this nature was posted awhile back. Forget who I mentioned it to; maybe SirHC at one of Kosmo's parties.
 Great idea but all I can say is......fucking Clear Crap!!!


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2003, 04:18:00 pm »
currently bootlegs seem to be up at around $20 dont they? They were expensive in the UK too. If the artist gets half, well then that fine.
 Plus you get the chance of a collectable the Lambchop live albums they were hawking at their shows have been fetching $100 on ebay. But that is because of their limited numbers and official nature.


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2003, 04:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by markie:
  currently bootlegs seem to be up at around $20 dont they? They were expensive in the UK too. If the artist gets half, well then that fine.
 Plus you get the chance of a collectable the Lambchop live albums they were hawking at their shows have been fetching $100 on ebay. But that is because of their limited numbers and official nature.
Not sure what they sell for but a lot of us just trade them for equal or a disc and postage. Most of the people that I know won't buy them for profit.
 What I like about the idea is that 1)you should get a good quality recording. 2)YES! the artists should get some of the profit and 3)no one has to deal with fidgeting with getting crappy recordings with crowd noise, hoping to get permission to hook up to the board or sneaking in illegal equipement. I like it on the up and up. I just think it should be around the $10 range for most shows.


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2003, 04:43:00 pm »
I bought a Pearl Jam live cd after their Nissan show.  Call me crazy, but I didn't mind waiting 10 days to get it, and it's very cool.
 But man, I'm an impulse buyer and I am *so* pumped after a show; if they start becoming available, I'll probably buy dozens.
 Sheesh, just what I need.
 Jag, that's where the $15 comes in -- it's completely an impulse buy.  I don't normally buy bootlegs, but if it's there I'm gonna have to have it.


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2003, 04:46:00 pm »
I really like this idea as a consumer.  For many of the bands that I see I would gladly pay 10-15 bucks for a copy of the show especially if the recording quality is decent.  I am picky as hell when it comes to recordings and I can't stand the sound MP3s put out.  The only problem is that for most bands that only tour clubs it may not be financially feasible to spend the money on the recording and distribution.  But for someone like Radiohead who plays huge gigs it makes perfect sense.


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2003, 04:51:00 pm »
Oh, and I forgot to mention that clear channel still sucks


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2003, 04:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by bags:
 Jag, that's where the $15 comes in -- it's completely an impulse buy.  I don't normally buy bootlegs, but if it's there I'm gonna have to have it.
Oh, I understand, believe me. But when you compare it to the cost of a studio recording and the fact that a lot of people have more will power than others, a lot of people will probably find their cut off point to be somewhere in the the $10-$12 range.
 Ideally, Clear Crap, or whichever company does the show, will offer a back catelogue online and through mail order. It would seem that they should offer the discounted price of $10 the night of the show and maybe $12 if oredered at a later date. Also, shipping and handling would be a cost to consider. I only skimmed through the article so I didn't even realize they would be mailed at a later date. If the $15 includes mailing, it's not so bad.
 Now that I think of it, $15 is still a tad high considering that they are not paying any studio time or much in the way of production costs. Paying what you would pay for a full studio recording is not quite right. After awhile, you'll only want so many recordings of shows you've seen somewhere or of some band. There is a saturation point. I hope they do well thought out market research on this. I'm sure they are but will the consumer live up to what they say they will buy?


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2003, 05:24:00 pm »
Actually, right now the Clear Channel CDs are available immediately -- you buy them and take them home with you that night.  The other bands who've been doing this on their own, like Pearl Jam, take orders and mail them.
 Of course, they need bands better than the Allman Bros. to get any money from me.  Let's see, a copy of the Fountains of Wayne show last month would have kicked!!  The live songs were more interesting than the studio versions, with lots of extra fun thrown in.


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2003, 05:51:00 pm »
I wonder about the mix quality of the shows that are sold instantly.  Do the pearl jam cds go through much tweaking before they are sent out or is it mostly packaging that takes week before mailing?  "Impulse buying" is definitely the best if they want to sell more cds and avoid people simply waiting for it to leak to the net/burn off of friends.  Also if they throw "Limited Edition" on it maybe they can jack the price up to $30!  :mad:


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2003, 05:59:00 pm »
Originally posted by Mongo:
  I wonder about the mix quality of the shows that are sold instantly.  Do the pearl jam cds go through much tweaking before they are sent out or is it mostly packaging that takes week before mailing?  "Impulse buying" is definitely the best if they want to sell more cds and avoid people simply waiting for it to leak to the net/burn off of friends.  Also if they throw "Limited Edition" on it maybe they can jack the price up to $30!   :mad:  
The Pearl Jam cds are initially mixed on a 16-track at the concert, but then go through like a 48-track right after the show.  They have an engineer that does that overnight right after the concert; that's his whole job.  I know about all this 'cuz I met him.  So they're good quality.


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2003, 06:10:00 pm »
I really like what tehy are doing and wish more bands would do the same.  I have tehir state college show and the recording sounds not perfect but pretty good.  Did the engineer tell you about their mic placements at the venues?


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Re: Clear Channel to wipe out bootleggers?
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2003, 06:19:00 pm »
Nope.  This is going to sound funny, but I was kind of tense while he was explaining it all, as I was missing the Buzzcocks (the real reason I went to the show, though I certainly loved the Pearl Jam performance as well).