Author Topic: The Lost Film Festival  (Read 1365 times)


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The Lost Film Festival
« on: January 13, 2005, 04:58:00 pm »
LOST FILM FEST counter-inaugural-emergency-films in WASHINGTON, DC (one night only!)
 TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th, 2005 8:30pm
 1021 7th St NW
 admission = $8
 LOST FILM FEST is a laugh-a-riot event with equal emphasis on both "laugh" and "riot." Focusing on pranks vs. corporations and government institutions. If George W. Bush makes you puke and you dig pie fights with cops, riot footage, and culture jamming, you'll love the punk rock urgency of the Lost Film Fest and its celebration of illegal art. You've seen the US-centric Fahrenheit 911, now it's time to check out something that's more global in scope.
 Lost Film Fest from West Philadelphia is a traveling multimedia spectacle incorporating live performance and video. It's a truly independent, anti-authoritarian, anti-corporate grassroots DIY media extravaganza hosted by Festival Director Scott Beibin (Bloodlink Records, Evil Twin Booking.) Beibin travels the globe telling stories and spinning movies like a DJ using a videoprojector, dvd player, and backpack filled with goodies. The roadshow incorporates a sexy, smash-it-up, radical anti-capitalist anti-globalization perspective. Truly "Too Hot for TV" since 1999, the LFF has featured scathing and hilarious social commentary in the form of narrative shorts, documented pranks, hot amateur protest footage, and video re-mixes. Additionally there is an annual weeklong event held in Philly, and guerilla visits to Sundance, SXSW, and Cannes. This jam is about smashing the illusions cast by Hollywood, the Pentagon, and FOX News. Yeah!