Author Topic: Forget Britpop, Dance with Matt  (Read 969 times)


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Forget Britpop, Dance with Matt
« on: September 13, 2007, 01:00:00 pm »
Where the hell is  Matt is coming to DC. He's looking for people to dance badly with. This is your chance to shine.
 From the email--I'm  coming to D.C. to shoot a clip for my new dancing video. This is an invitation to come out and join me.
 The last video was about places. This one is about people. LOTS of  people. So I'm not too concerned about the background, I just want a place  where we can gather peaceably and dance badly without getting arrested.
 The location is Union Station, in front of the Columbus statue outside  the entrance. I'll be there on Sunday, September 16. Dancing will commence  at 3pm.
 Here's a Google map:
 When you get to the spot, look for the guy who looks like the guy in  the dancing video. Just come on over and say hello. If the guy turns out to  not be me, recoil sheepishly and keep looking.
 There won't be any music. That gets added later. Blasting a stereo just complicates things. Dance however you want to the music in your head.
 You're welcome to bring your own camera. After the shoot, I'll stick  around
 for pictures and stuff. I'm happy to dance with you in your own picture/video, so don't be afraid to ask.
 Please reply to this email if you plan to attend and let us know how  many people you think you'll be bringing. It'll help to give us an idea of  how many to expect.
 We're planning to put the final video up on the internet on June 21st, 2008. It's a long way away, I know, but I've got a lot of traveling to do.
 I look forward to dancing badly with you!