Author Topic: NPR Receives $200 Million  (Read 2502 times)


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NPR Receives $200 Million
« on: November 06, 2003, 07:01:00 pm »
NPR receives record donation
 By Paul Farhi and Reilly Capps, The Washington Post
 National Public Radio will announce today the largest donation in its history, a cash bequest from the will of the late philanthropist Joan Kroc of about $200 million.
 THE BEQUEST FROM the widow of the founder of the McDonald's fast-food chain both shocked and delighted people at NPR's headquarters in Washington yesterday. It amounts to almost twice NPR's annual operating budget. "No one saw this coming," said one person.
 The nonprofit organization, which will disclose details of the bequest at a news conference this afternoon, called the donation the "largest monetary gift ever received by an American cultural institution" in a brief announcement to its staff yesterday.
 The gift was such a surprise to NPR officials that they were uncertain what the money would be used for. The organization's board is expected to meet in the next few weeks to decide what to do with the windfall. An NPR spokesperson declined to comment yesterday.
 NPR, best known for its daily news programs "Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered," cut back on some of its music and cultural programs earlier this year, and there was speculation yesterday that Kroc's money could be used to restore those offerings. It could also be used to expand NPR's news programs, which are heard by about 22 million people weekly.
 Speaking generally, Michele Norris, a co-host of "All Things Considered," said any cash infusion is welcome at an organization that is perpetually on tight budgets. "What we do every day is a miracle on the order of loaves and fishes with such a small and dedicated staff," Norris said.
 Kroc, 75, died of brain cancer on Oct. 12 in San Diego. She had been a longtime listener of NPR's local affiliate, KPBS, but had no formal association with NPR or history of funding it. People at NPR said yesterday that she had expressed admiration for NPR's coverage of the events leading up to the war in Iraq and its reporting of the war itself.
 Her gift to NPR is one of several that flowed from her estate. Last week the University of San Diego and the University of Notre Dame announced they each had been given $50 million by Kroc's estate. The donations are the largest either university has ever received.
 In 1998 she gave $25 million to USD for the establishment of the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice. Notre Dame hosts a similar institution, the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, which was established in 1986.
 With a long history of philanthropy, Kroc has donated to individual public radio stations in the past. In 2001 she gave $3 million to KPBS to help the station build a new studio. KPBS spokeswoman Nancy Worlie said that her station also would announce a gift today. She would not confirm that the gift came from Kroc, who lived much of her life in Rancho Santa Fe, near San Diego.
 Forbes magazine estimated Kroc's worth at $1.7 billion and ranked her No. 121 on its list of the nation's wealthiest people.
 Joan Beverly Mansfield was born in 1928, the daughter of a railroad man who was often out of work during the Depression. Still, he made sure his daughter received piano lessons, and eventually she became a piano player in a St. Paul restaurant. She met Ray Kroc in 1957 when he was dining, on business, and caught her eye. In his autobiography he called her a "blonde beauty." Though she was 25 years younger, the two fell in love and eventually married. The couple had a daughter, Linda Kliber, who could not be reached for comment yesterday.
 When Ray Kroc died in 1984, she took control of the San Diego Padres, which her husband had purchased 10 years earlier. And though Ray Kroc had been committed to philanthropy, opening the Kroc Foundation in Chicago to support medical research, his wife took giving even more seriously.
 She gave more than $90 million to the Salvation Army, the largest donation that organization had ever received, to build a 12-acre community center that opened in June 2002. She also helped build the St. Vincent de Paul Joan Kroc Center for the homeless, a palliative care center, and the Kroc-Copley Animal Shelter, all in or near San Diego. She was also a major benefactor of the Carter Center of Emory University in Atlanta, and in 1987 she gave $1 million to the Democratic National Committee, at the time believed to be the largest single contribution to a political party in U.S. history.
 During its most recent fiscal year, which ended in September, NPR had an operating budget of $103 million and broke even despite the cost of covering the war in Iraq. Despite gains in listeners, its income has grown slowly over the past three years. In fiscal 2001, NPR lost about $4 million.
 About half of NPR's revenue comes from public radio stations that pay annual dues based on the size of their audience. The balance comes primarily from private donations and corporate contributions. The organization receives less than 1 percent of its funding directly from federal tax dollars. The federal Corporation for Public Broadcasting supplies about 15 percent of the budgets of NPR's member stations, however, which then pay some of that money to NPR.
 Staff writer Roxanne Roberts contributed to this report.
 © 2003 The Washington Post Company

thirsty moore

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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2003, 07:07:00 pm »
Man, this was all over 88.5 WAMU today.  Good news.  One of the concerns from the donation though is that others might not donate anymore.
 Did any of you read the article in the Post about a week ago talking about the problems WAMU was having?


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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2003, 07:12:00 pm »
No but I've always like WAMU way better than NPR.
 Also, NPR can't bitch about the evils of fast foods any longer.   :p

The Black Nerd

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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2003, 07:48:00 pm »
Pacifica Radio rules over NPR anyway in terms of being "free"


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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2003, 11:34:00 am »
One of my favorite things in the US is to wake up each morning listening to NPR news. Great news, glad for them. I guess George W. is unaware of this, I read he doesn't read papers nor listen to radio, he only listens to what the fascists in the White House make up for him.

thirsty moore

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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2003, 06:12:00 pm »
Democracy Now is a good show to listen to.
Originally posted by The Black Nerd:
  Pacifica Radio rules over NPR anyway in terms of being "free"


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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2003, 06:22:00 pm »
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  Democracy Now is a good show to listen to.
Originally posted by The Black Nerd:
  Pacifica Radio rules over NPR anyway in terms of being "free"
Speaking of which......
 How rock 'n' roll freed the world
 Fri Nov 7, 6:12 AM ET  Add Top Stories - to My Yahoo!
 By Bill Nichols, USA TODAY
 Like countless other teenagers over the past 40 years, Andras Simonyi wanted to be a rock star when he was young. He vividly remembers hearing the Beatles for the first time a scratchy record of All My Loving when he was 11, in a school gym in Denmark. "It caught me," he says. "And it hasn't let up since."
 Simonyi's dreams of rock stardom didn't pan out. He returned to his native Hungary and grew up to become an economist, diplomat and, most recently, Hungary's ambassador to the United States. But he never lost his passion for rock 'n' roll. Saturday night, in a major address at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, he will try to explain why.
 Simonyi, in what museum officials say is an unprecedented event for the 8-year-old facility, will argue that the music he loved swept up an entire generation of young people suffering under communist rule and implanted the ideals that would later bring down the Iron Curtain.
 "When we were listening to the radio, we were part of the free world, if only for a few moments, whether the system we lived under liked it or not," says Simonyi, 51. "Rock and roll, culturally speaking, was a decisive element in loosening up communist societies and bringing them closer to a world of freedom."
 Other European leaders and writers have made a similar case. Vaclav Havel, the dissident Czech playwright, has credited rock music as a major inspiration in his years of fighting communist oppression. When Havel became president of the Czech Republic after the Soviet empire crumbled, he entertained rockers such as the Rolling Stones at the presidential palace. Havel requested that Lou Reed, leader of the infamous 1960s group, the Velvet Underground, perform at a 1998 State Dinner hosted in his honor by President Clinton (news - web sites).
 Simonyi's speech on Saturday will deal more with the effects rock music has had on average eastern and central European children. Huddling by radios as they searched for signals from Voice of America or other Western stations, he says he and his friends got one of their first tastes of freedom from listening to this anarchic, unbridled art form.
 "Rock and roll was the Internet of the '60s and early '70s. It was the carrier of the message of freedom, just like it was 20 years later with the satellite dish," Simonyi says. "It's just great to be able to tell this story of what rock and roll meant to people who were stuck in the East for the wrong reasons."
 Born in Budapest in 1952, Simonyi first became immersed in rock music when his father's job as a trade representative took his family to Denmark for five years in his early adolescence. He started playing guitar at 13. By the time his family returned to Hungary a year later, Western records had become his lifeline to democracy. Traffic, Johnny Winter and Cream were particular favorites.
 Simonyi returned home during the so-called Hungarian "spring" from 1968 until 1972 that briefly loosened the communist grip on the nation. Though records only could be obtained by getting friends to smuggle them in after trips abroad, he says rock and jazz groups performed in Hungary during that time. He went to the shows and loitered around backstage and hotel lobbies trying to hang out with performers.
 When Traffic played in Budapest in 1968, Simonyi hit pay dirt; he found out where the band was staying and met group members Steve Winwood and Jim Capaldi. He even persuaded Capaldi, the band's drummer, and the group's manager to take a drive with him into the Hungarian countryside.
 "Here was this 16-year-old, English-speaking Hungarian who knew everything about Traffic," Simonyi remembers with a laugh. "I think they liked it." His official capacity now makes it a little easier to get backstage access; Simonyi met Winwood earlier this year after a performance at a Washington nightclub and reminded him of the incident.
 Simonyi went on to play guitar in several Hungarian blues and rock bands, including Locomotive GT, one of the best-known groups of the time. He listens mostly to early Mississippi Delta blues these days Robert Johnson is his current rage but still occasionally unleashes some rock guitar licks. In his previous post as Hungary's ambassador to NATO (news - web sites), he sometimes was joined on drums by U.S. Ambassador Alexander "Sandy" Vershbow, now the U.S. ambassador to Russia.
 "Andras is a guitar player; his heart is there," says Jeff "Skunk" Baxter, a Simonyi friend and former guitarist with the Doobie Brothers and Steely Dan (news - web sites) who will introduce the ambassador Saturday. "The ability to hear Western music for Andras was a very, very important thing. It was a window for him into freedom. It gave him fresh air."
 Simonyi calls his talk at the Rock Hall of Fame, "Rocking for the Free World: How Rock Music Helped to Bring Down the Iron Curtain." The title is a play on a 1989 Neil Young song, Rocking in the Free World, that is a savage attack on the policies of President Reagan and the first President Bush (news - web sites). Young's song is anything but a celebration of democracy.
 Simonyi notes the irony and says his speech is largely a gesture of thanks to the musicians who inspired him and planted the dream of a different way of life in the guise of three loud guitar chords and a driving beat. "Rock and roll music glues together societies," he says. "It binds us all."

thirsty moore

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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2003, 06:50:00 pm »
And speaking of Budapest, there's a good pirate radio station out of there called Tilos Radio.  You can access it at


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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2003, 11:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  And speaking of Budapest, there's a good pirate radio station out of there called Tilos Radio.  You can access it at
very cool. thanks thirsty.


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Re: NPR Receives $200 Million
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2003, 11:35:00 pm »
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  And speaking of Budapest, there's a good pirate radio station out of there called Tilos Radio.  You can access it at