I will swear on my Dad's grave that I have only ever used three accounts on this board (and only this one in the last year.) Those would be:
Rhett Miller
the Instigator
some sort of fake name that was a play on poorlulu back when posing as a regular was the height of popularity
I have never used my wife Celeste's account, nor have I accidentally posted from it (we rarely post from home anyway). Nor have I ever told her what to post. There have been times that she made statements that I "stole" from her, and posted under my Rhett Miller name as thoughts of my own withour giving her proper credit.
I am not the Black Nerd, though I have a good idea who is.
I am not Flawd, nor do I know anything else about him. He is funny though.
I am not sure who else I have been accused of being, but none of the accusations were true.. I have only been Rhett Miller since I lost the password to the Instigator, which was probably 12+ months ago.
Originally posted by Dupek Chopra:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
Who knew Dupek, or any of his many separate names, could write in a concise, coherent, complete sentence? Must be an imposter.
Screen names are different than accounts, as you well know. [/b]