stealing from heresahint:
Re: Dear ThatGuy (Score: 1)
by mistersmartyhoohahpants on Friday, February 17 @ 13:17:31 EST
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Technicians mistaking themselves for artists. Imagine for a second that he's not talking about matching Kirk Hammett's tone, but about perfectly emulating Ashton Kutcher's wardrobe: "Sure, anyone can rock the trucker hat, but how many of you have painstakingly taped every segment of Punk'd and measured the precise angle of the bill? Tons of hot chicks hang out with me because I look like Ashton, and some of them even call me Ashton while we're doing it, something you wouldn't know about because your girlfriend is fat and ugly, like 5'7" 135lbs kind of fat, and she only calls you by your real name. Which is dumb. I don't even know what it's like to have sex with someone that atrociously fat. I have spent untold hours rifling through stacks at the Urban Outfitters to find the perfectly ill-fitting summer camp t-shirt, for which I paid top dollar, because I have a REAL job, I work forty hours week as a systems analyst, and I take my women out to Morton's where I buy them wedge salads without the blue cheese and no dessert. They stare longingly over their emaciated cheekbones at my filet mignon and lobster bisque. I bet you don't even know what a systems analyst is." Oh sweet crap I hope that guy reads heresahint. Maybe it will show up when they're googling themselves at work.