you will do what i say. if i am at a concert, you must act like i will. you will be a slave to the ways i think and act. if not, i will be the ass that i am to make you follow the rules in which i impose on you. follow my life or die. i have these cards which i will shove in your face, and probably get the shit beat out of me when i try to tell people to shut up at a concert. welcome to nineteen, eighty-four. my opinion is the only thing that matters in this musical war. and the pixies are the best band ever. you will only be allowed to listen to the pixies. and you must not speak, or move, or breathe, or stare too long, or think, or be, or pretend, or enter, or leave, or not listen to me. i paid my money and money controls the way i want you to be.
go buy a club and call it shut the fuck up, and see how much business you get.