Author Topic: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday  (Read 1856 times)


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Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« on: July 17, 2007, 12:22:00 am »
so who is going? what should i expect? should i really wear my steel toe docs? i've heard its drunken insanity. aka the eastern european version of a dropkick murphys show. yes? no?


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 01:32:00 am »
I will be there.  If it's anything like his set at Bonnaroo, then we are in for an amazing time.  
 Anyone have a couple extra tickets?  My dad and brother decided they wanted to come along....


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 01:35:00 am »
Yeah it's pretty much drunken insanity.  Lots of moshing and general jumping around should probably be expected.


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2007, 01:50:00 am »
Expect to be dancing from the moment you get into the clud to the moment you get out. Saw them last time they came, fucking amazing.
 I wish i had gotten tickets.


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2007, 01:53:00 am »
yes, expect a good-natured, non-violent mosh-pit.  polka + slam-dancing = fun fun fun.  it'll be a hot and sweaty mess if you're anywhere near the pit.
 last time they played the club, i got swept up in the moshing and had to extract myself about half-way through the set, i was exhausted.  i was shocked at how the moshing came out of nowhere - one second i was applauding their entrance on stage, the next i was physically lifted off the ground and thrown about 6-8 forward.  maintaining balance can be a little tough when a human wall is making you swag back and forth that much.  unlike a RATM pit, tho, i was never once worried/afraid, bouncing around to a gypsy violin solo is part of the experience.  people were definitely looking out for each other.  no one was hurt that i saw, and there were several smaller women in there so everyone can (and should!) join in.  a great party.
 i'd most definitely be in the mix if i wasn't traveling.  have fun, please post reviews, impressions and photos (especially from the balcony - in fact, i'd love to see a video from up there, the pit must look insane).


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2007, 07:22:00 am »
The only time I've seen them headline was at Paradise in Boston...they played for nearly two and a half hours and it was probably the most high-energy, but non-violent show I've ever seen.  It was just madness, but in the good way.
 I'm kind of sad I didn't get tickets to this because I've been listening to the new album pretty much non-stop since last Tuesday, and the songs that they played from it at Bonnaroo were incredible live.  But oh well, I'm in the middle of a move and didn't really have the extra cash.


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2007, 09:18:00 am »
how was this show?  i loved them last time.


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2007, 12:42:00 pm »
fun show. very fun crowd. definitely got me out of my foul mood within 10 minutes. i believe its available on npr.
 though saw them once, don't think i'd go again. one of those "saw 'em once. enoyed it, but not eough to go again" shows.


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2007, 12:54:00 pm »
Originally posted by lily1:
  fun show. very fun crowd. definitely got me out of my foul mood within 10 minutes. i believe its available on npr.
 though saw them once, don't think i'd go again. one of those "saw 'em once. enoyed it, but not eough to go again" shows.
really? i saw them a couple years ago in portland when i was living there and have made a point of trying to see them every time i could since then.
 unfortunately i'm poor right now and couldn't go to the show here since $25 + service fees is way out of my budget right now.  :(


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2007, 06:02:00 pm »
though saw them once, don't think i'd go again. one of those "saw 'em once. enoyed it, but not eough to go again" shows. [/QB]
i feel the same way for the most part. if i do get the chance to see them again i'd probably choose to stand very far away from the stage.
 It would have been a good show to watch from the balcony though (Iā??m not very strong and kept getting knocked to the ground which gets tiresome after awhile) but in all my years of going to the 930 club Iā??ve never been up there so I didnā??t want to change that on the night of my last gig there for god knows how long. (its kind of like my stupid, oh Iā??ve had a strawberry before in my life fun facts about myself) but I did have a good time and they are a fun band to see live!! Oh yeah and everyone there was so, so nice I spoke with so many different people and everyone was really cool!!


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2007, 05:09:00 pm »
Add me to the saw them once, won't do it again crowd.
 I think they are a novelty act.  A stage show.  Not a serious music band at all, although they have serious egos about their own "stardom".  I mean those overdone bows at the end of the show?  The three false endings in their final encore piece?  Come on.


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Re: Gogol Bordello on Wednesday
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2007, 02:40:00 pm »
We did a little interview with them a couple weeks ago on BYT: