Author Topic: He was in the closet???  (Read 2068 times)


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He was in the closet???
« on: March 02, 2006, 02:54:00 pm »
  <img src="" alt=" - " />
 In our new issue hitting newsstands today, The National Enquirer is publishing shocking photos which may finally force Clay Aiken to come out of the closet!
 Standing proudly in front of an internet camera, the former American Idol star apparently sheds his clothes until he is literally butt-naked.
 The man who supplied us with the images â?? a 22-year-old homosexual school teacher â?? says Aiken performed the crude striptease in a bid to solicit him for sex via a gay website.
 In recent weeks, The National Enquirer has uncovered several men who claim they encountered the singer as he surfed the internet looking for casual sex.
 While Aiken has repeatedly denied he is gay, ex-soldier John Paulus told how he also shared 90 sordid minutes of passion with Aiken in a hotel room on January 2. In our new story, the teacher from Boston, Mass., who did not want to be named, said he met Aiken on the gay chat site
 In a National Enquirer website exclusive, we are providing excerpts of the internet chat which is claimed to have taken place last December 5 â?? one day before Aiken appeared in concert in Boston.
 Here is the edited text:
 are you interested in me at all?
 Source: ummmmmmm
 Source: isn't every gay man in america?
 i dunno
 im only asking you now
 Source: that seems a bit self explanatory
 Source: otherwise I wouldn't be chatting
 Source: hehe
 Source: you're gorgeous
 Source: you've never posed shirtless?????
 just need to be a little careful
 Source: really?
 Source: howcome?
 no one wants to see this
 its boring and white
 Source: and sexy and smooth and lickable
 well you may feel that way
 but the only way youll see it is in person
 i dont have what you have to show off
 Source: I'm just another piece of meat to a celebrity with a new boy in every town
 but why was it taht you wanted to meet me
 if you think i have a new boy in everytown !!!HA HAHA
 tahts rich
 Source: come on
 but i wont be able to convince otherwise of that either
 Source: you don't manhunt yourself a new guy on each tour date?
 i am a skinny white guy
 i will admit that i try often when i have a day off
 Source: hahahahaha
 but i RARELY find an attractive guy my age
 when i do
 Source: you must have high standards
 80% of them dont believe me
 15% of them dont like me
 Source: and I'm the other 5%
 Source: ?????
 and 3% i chicken out on
 i have meet ONE guy off of here this year
 Source: hahahahahaha
 Source: WIMP!
 it was on my summer tour in indy
 Source: oh?
 very nice guy
 Source: he cute?
 we stay in touch
 well.. despite the fact that you have set me up for dissapointment tonight
 you do seem like a pretty nice guy
 Source: and a potential enjoyable wednesday night
 i wont deny that the initial attraction is the looks
 Source: of course it is
 but you have been pretty cool since we've been talking
 Source: well thanks
 Source: I like beeing "cool"
 youre obviously a little disturbed because you think i am attractive!
 Source: welllllllll
 but.. we can work through that
 Source: my glamourized hollywood image of you.....
 oh.. so now that youve seen the real me...not as attractive anymore?
 Source: you're cute


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 03:06:00 pm »
 Nine fans of AMERICAN IDOL star CLAY AIKEN are considering launching a class action lawsuit against the singer and his record company bosses following US tabloid allegations he's gay.
 The unnamed fans were shocked by recent unconfirmed claims from a retired soldier that he enjoyed a gay romp with the singer in a hotel room.
 In the absence of a firm denial from Aiken, the upset devotees are deliberating filing a class-action lawsuit and a possible Fair Trade Commission complaint against the recording and promotional entities behind Aiken - after finding a lawyer who will take their case.
 The fans are taking great care to protect their identities because they're already received serious threats from other Aiken fans.
 One of the distressed fans, who is leading the class action charge, says, "Because of the threats that have risen out of this, we are being very careful with what information we reveal, as we settle everything and first make arrangements for the safety of ourselves and our families."
 She adds, "The individuals behind the lawsuit are nine former fans. We are all different ages and backgrounds."
 "We are accusing (record labels) RCA and Sony BMG of having a vested interest in the marketing and promotion of Clay Aiken as a virginal, asexual character.
 "The recent media about Clay has shown this to, apparently, be a lie, and that image (was) only designed to enrich the record company at the expense of consumers. We think that is false advertising.
 "So, through our complaints, we would hope to force the record companies to admit their culpability in this manner and give refunds to anyone who bought into the Clay Aiken myth... As former fans, we just feel ripped off and hurt.
 "We believe that this was absolutely fraudulent and that we may have actionable recourse against the record company."


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2006, 03:09:00 pm »
Please file that in the 9th Circuit so I can be in attendence when the Judge starts laughing hysterically from the bench.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2006, 03:12:00 pm »
first milli vanilli, then james blunt, now this?  the world is coming to end for sure...

Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2006, 03:21:00 pm »
James Blunt is gay?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2006, 03:22:00 pm »
Think of the children! James Blunt is corrupting them with naughty langauge.


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2006, 03:30:00 pm »
 A group of nine former fans of performer Clay Aiken today lodged a formal letter of complaint with the Federal Trade Commission concerning the marketing and promotional practices of RCA and SONY/BMG, the recording entities behind Aiken. The complaint charges RCA and SONY/BMG with False Advertising and Misrepresentation, conspiring to market and promote its artists, and specifically Aiken, to consumers in a false and deceptive manner.
 The complaint further alleges that employees of RCA, SONY/BMG, and Aiken engaged in collusion to prevent public disclosures they believed might be harmful to their product. This is tantamount to a manufacturer concealing information about a defective product. Therefore these actions were both unfair and deceptive to consumers.
 "As consumers, we feel ripped off. It is obvious now that the private Clay is very different from the manufactured packaged public Clay that was marketed to us" a spokesperson for the group said.
 The group of former fans is asking the FTC to investigate the practices of these companies, to invoke civil penalties where appropriate, and to enjoin the companies from violating the Federal Trade Commission Act.
 Deceptive advertising is illegal under the U.S. Federal Trade Commission Act and is punishable by criminal and civil penalties, including fines, injunctions and corrective advertising.
 "Today's complaint against RCA and SONY/BMG is directed at the heart of the record companies' responsibility in the promotion of their artists. It raises fundamental issues of whether the CD is the product or is the artist the product? We believe that, based on the company's own actions, that it is clearly the latter".
 She noted that "much of the promotion behind any product is a well-crafted public image. For the recording industry it is not just about the music or the CD, but creating an image around the artist. They accomplish this through music videos and carefully managed media interviews and appearances."
 "We are looking to the Federal Trade Commission to see whether these companies that represent and promote their artists in a false and deceptive manner will be held accountable."
 The group has considered a class action lawsuit against the recording entities and may still proceed in that course, dependant on the FTC's action in this matter. The group continues to closely guard their identities from the backlash of Aiken's notorious fan base.
 The full text of the complaint is following.
 February 22, 2006
 Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras, Federal Trade Commission
 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
 Washington, D.C. 20580
 Re: False Advertising Complaint against RCA Records and SONY/BMG with regard to Clay Aiken
 Dear Honorable Chairman Majoras,
 Under the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act and Title 15 of the U.S. Code, please find that, the undersigned nine aggrieved consumers, hereby file a false advertising complaint against recording entities RCA
 Records (RCA) and parent conglomerate SONY/BMG Music Entertainment (SONY/BMG). This complaint relates to observable trends and practices in the manner in which RCA and SONY/BMG markets and promotes its stable of artists nationwide and internationally. Based in New York City, SONY/BMG is a well-known recording industry conglomerate consisting of 17 separate record labels (including RCA) with offices around the world. These recording labels represent some of the world's best known artists, including performer Clay Aiken.
 This complaint raises the fundamental issue of whether, for these recording entities, the CD is the product or is the artist the product? We hold that, based on the company's own actions and investment, that it is clearly the latter.
 1. False And Misleading Advertising.
 RCA and SONY/BMG have a vested interest in the marketing, promotion and advertising of their artists recording for their labels. They accomplish this through carefully crafted publicity, advertising and promotion to create a marketable public image for each artist, designed to entice the maximum amount of consumers. This calculated public image is further reinforced through scripted music videos and meticulously managed media interviews and appearances, among other devices. In fact, the marketing and publicity behind the manufactured public image is often termed the "Hollywood machine".
 RCA and SONY/BMG's marketing, promotion and advertising of performer Clay Aiken presented a public image of a family friendly performer whose character was above reproach. This "clean cut" image extended to Mr. Aiken's sexuality, which although being the subject of much speculation, has consistently been presented as being heterosexual.
 Recent media reports have revealed that Mr. Aiken's private behaviors and actions are vastly different from the manufactured packaged public image of Aiken that was marketed and advertised to consumers. This is both deceptive and misleading.
 2. Collusion To Misrepresent
 On information and belief, it is further maintained that specific executives and employees of RCA, SONY/BMG and Aiken were aware of Aiken's behaviors and conduct that contradicted this established public image and engaged in collusion in an active attempt to mislead consumers and keep what was perceived to be potentially damaging information from becoming public. This is tantamount to a manufacturer concealing information about a defective product.
 These individuals, among others in the employ of RCA, SONY/BMG, and Aiken, are identified as Roger Widynowski, RCA and SONY/BMG's Director of Publicity, and John Dahlstrom, Aiken's former assistant and hairdresser.
 Most recently, representatives for RCA, SONY/BMG and Aiken have avoided any questions related to these revelations.
 With SONY/BMG's $10 million dollar settlement in NY State Attorney General Spitzer's investigation into the practice of deceptive Payola radio promotion undertaken by the recording industry, it is an established pattern of deceptive marketing and promotion that extends here.
 Title 15, Section 52 of the U.S. Code states that "it shall be unlawful for any ... corporation to disseminate, or cause to be disseminated, any false advertisement." Title 15, Section 55 defines "false advertisement" as an advertisement that is "misleading in a material respect." Section 5 of the FTC Act prohibits "deceptive acts or practices."
 In sum, RCA's and Sony/BMG's marketing and promotional practices meet all three elements of the FTC Policy Statement on Deception (October 14, 1983): (1) the misrepresentation is likely to mislead the consumer; (2) the misrepresentation is likely to mislead a reasonable consumer; and (3) the misrepresentation is a material one.
 As reasonable consumers, we were (1) misled by the accompanying marketing, advertising and promotion behind Mr. Aiken. (2) The recording entities and employees of same were aware of the misrepresentations and sought to conceal them. (3) The misrepresentations are material, affecting every consumer of any of Aiken's CDs, concerts, or merchandise, and extend over all aspects of the promotion, marketing and advertising of same.
 We urge the FTC to investigate this matter fully and exercise any and all means to enjoin RCA and SONY/BMG from engaging in further deceptive marketing and promotion of their artists.
 Nine Aggrieved Consumers
 Susan J. Patricia A. Jacquelyn C. Karen G. Raleigh, NC
 Raleigh, NC Durham, NC San Francisco, CA
 Phyllis S. Carol M. Karen G. Linda F. Kim M. Boston,
 MA Boise, ID Los Angeles, CA Scottsdale, AZ Newark, NJ
 cc: Pamela Jones Harbour, Commissioner Jon Leibowitz, Commissioner William
 E. Kovacic, Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch, Commissioner

kosmo vinyl

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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2006, 03:43:00 pm »
this smacks of something the american family association  cooked up...


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2006, 04:22:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  this smacks of something the american family association  cooked up...
Or the Praise the lord, pass the joystick guys?


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2006, 04:35:00 pm »
Every gay man likes to grab breasts every once in awhile I guess??
  <img src="" alt=" - " />
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2006, 04:36:00 pm »
I can't believe it.  Women loved him!


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2006, 04:44:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
 Nine fans of AMERICAN IDOL star CLAY AIKEN are considering launching a class action lawsuit against the singer and his record company bosses following US tabloid allegations he's gay.
 The unnamed fans were shocked by recent unconfirmed claims from a retired soldier that he enjoyed a gay romp with the singer in a hotel room.
Ha HA HA HA HA...The Onion is such a stitch!!!


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Re: He was in the closet???
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2006, 04:47:00 pm »
Originally posted by MindCage:
  Every gay man likes to grab breasts every once in awhile I guess??
    <img src="" alt=" - " />
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions
Where did you get that picture of Markie and Lulu!?
 Maybe we should pit one special interest group after another. IE, have the Gay Rights group go after those brain dead American Idiots for being a bunch of homophobes. Also, let's have the Idiot Police issue warrents against them for being so damned stupid!
 And further more, who the fuck cares!?