Last night was everything that one could hope for in a weeknight rock show...solid crowd, a tiny venue, cheap tickets, and an assload of quality music.
The opener was Cold War Kids from Los Angeles, and they were really solid. Their singer actually has some of the better pipes that I've heard in awhile. I picked up their EP and it's impressive...I expect their full-length (whenever it comes out) to be really good.
The second band was the Figurines from I think Sweden. They were tight and entertaining, but nothing to write home about.
Finally, Tapes 'n Tapes impressed the hell out of the approximately 100 people in attendance. The songs from the record sounded fantastic and they added about three extras that were high quality as well.
They're really young, and it was impossibe not to be won over by their youthful enthusiasm. The band was clearly having a good time at this hole in the wall in Baltimore and were in no way sporting big heads following their big shows at the Bowery.
In fact, the lead singer works the merch table...that's ten cred points right there.
Anyway, I'm done. It was a great, great show and I would highly advise anyone to check them out, especially while they're playing these tiny venues.
If you don't have the record, buy it...I think it's my favorite album of 2006 so far.