Author Topic: Sonick & Jenna?  (Read 1189 times)

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Sonick & Jenna?
« on: June 21, 2006, 11:46:00 am »
So, Jesus talks to George Bush & Pete Doherty too?
 And Sonick & Jenna share the same tastes in  music?
  George Bush's Daughter Is A Radiohead Fan
 Radiohead singer Thom Yorke has been an outspoken critic of George Bush and his policies, but apparently that hasn't curtailed one of the American president's daughters' enthusiasm for the band's music.
 Yorke posted a message on the Radiohead website on Saturday about their second of two New York City shows on June 14, where a disturbance was apparently caused by the young woman's (it's not known if it was Jenna or Barbara) bodyguards towards the end of the concert. To paraphrase Elvis Costello, Yorke didn't know whether to be disgusted or amused by the scenario.
 Here's Yorke's report on the event, written with his inimitable style, spelling, grammar and punctuation:
 this'll make you laugh.
 i was told yesterday that one of the daughters of the president came to NY show 2. we were playing THe Tourist at the end of the show.. and yyes we did wander what the shuffling manhandling fighting was in the distance of the audience. turns out it was her 6 bodyguards clearing the way for the first daughters exit. and some pour soul objected at being manhandled by the secret service. i think i would have to.
 infact if i had known all this my objections would have been more forthright and extensive...if you know what i mean. which is perhaps why our lot chose not to tell me who was in the building before we went on. probably a good idea.
 hmm i dont know if we should be
 A. honoured
 B. amused
 C. bemused
 D. ask if she had a valid ticket
 E. object belatedly on moral grounds
 F. ask again if she had a ticket and question whether this really what our gigs are about
 G. dont blame the daughter for the father
 H. shutup and smile
 answers on a postcard
 bonaroo today woo hoo