Originally posted by brennser:
In the car: The Walls and Mundy
nice choice of Irish bands for St Patricks Day....the first album by the previous incarnation of The Walls, The Stunning was the soundtrack to the summer of 1990 for many an Irish teenager [/b]
Really? I'll have to look into that album. I just got the new Walls album, New Dawn Breaking, from Joe at the Craic last weekend in NYC. It's soooo amazing. The tracks Passing Through and To The Bright and Shining Sun are pure pop ear candy. Very enjoyable!
What's the good Stunning's album title?
BTW, Mundy's midnight set was spirited, musically rich, and heartfelt. To have seen him in such an intimate setting (at Sin-E) was a gift. And he couldn't have been a nicer guy.