I saw the Walkmen show with Metric. It was a strange show, because the crowd vibe just was a little off. I think the shouting that Miss Marple referred to was the main culprit. It wasn't a bad show, by any standard, but it wasn't one of the best I've seen in the last couple of years.
Basically, for certain songs, Hamilton shouts some of the lines instead of his normal bellow. It can be a little off-putting, and doesn't always sound great. You can't fault him for effort though.
The band itself played really well. I, for one, really love their drummer, and it none of their equipment was made within the last 25 years, which was exciting for me because...well, I'm a dork and I like that sort of thing. The piano that they cart around with them is a thing of pure beauty...in an ugly, dilapidated sort of way.
I really like the band, and a I liked the show, but it's not for everyone, I don't think.