Yes, every group contains noble souls and assholes??even Mexicans. But almost by definition, groups are assholes. The more one identifies with a group, the less likely they are to be interesting as individuals.
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa08:
Originally posted by Wolf N.Eagleburger:
I think I am beginning to understand. Jews attend these Holiday thingies not because they are devoutly religious, in point of fact many are self-professed athiests who claim to be into "Eastern Relgions". They attend because they are afraid that if they don't go to these holiday services then they will become totally assimilated into American society...and lose their Jewish identity. [/b]
If someone is insecure ?? and hence feels the need for external recognition/validation ?? (read: Hoya) they will invest in a group. Within the protecting structure of a group, the ??asshole? in people is able to emerge, without the risk of recrimination. Each collective may have a mouthpiece for the group, but it is unlikely they are saying too much that anyone in the group doesn??t agree with. Besides, individuals that no longer wish to be associated with the group can always leave.