Author Topic: Taping pt. II  (Read 1619 times)


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Taping pt. II
« on: August 25, 2004, 01:10:00 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply, Eddie! Sorry to create a new post, but replies are disabled.  
 This is what I have from BBVD (long, sorry):
 Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (BBVD) allows taping for personal fan use at all of their shows. Any recording gear is fine (DAT, mini-disks, mic stands, etc..) but the recording must be shared from fan to fan for free. No money should change hands as this takes money away from the band. Keep it free and fun like it is supposed to be. When you have completed a recording of a BBVD show, the management would appreciate you sending them a copy. Their mailing address is:
 ATTN: Chad Jensen
 RE: project
 34 North Palm Street, Suite 100
 Ventura, CA 93001
 BBVD is okay with fans trading / sharing their live recordings. However, before a show is to be uploaded and archived globally through the Live Music Archive (LMA) the management must approve the recording.
 In order to do this, after you have recorded a concert, send an audio copy to:
 ATTN: Chad Jensen
 RE: project
 34 North Palm Street, Suite 100
 Ventura, CA 93001
 Include with the CD the following, clearly written:
 Your Name
 Your e-mail address
 The date / venue / city of the show you recorded
 The source of the recording (what mic/deck/conversion you did)
 Any other info you'd like the management to know.
 Once BBVD management has reviewed your recording, and has decided that they are okay with it being spread, they will e-mail you as well as the administrators of the LMA ( ) announcing that this particular source is approved for LMA upload and distribution. At that time it is the responsibility of you, the taper, to make .shn and .md5
 files from your recording and upload those to the Live Music Archive. Once the show is fully uploaded, make the show public and then that is it! The live concert will then be available to download for anyone in the world at any time or day, all for free. Try and spread the recording by doing trades for the show, burning free copies for your friends,
 passing them on to other fans at the next BBVD show, whatever you want to do. Remember, you taped the band, you were at the show, so obviously you enjoy their music: do your best to spread the name of the band and get people into the band. Also please support the band and purchase their official albums.
 I have a voice mail and email out to Chad to get further approval.
 And this is the reply from Minitry:
 Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 21:02:27 -0400 (EDT)
 From: "fish" <>  Add to Address Book
 To: "Brian" <>
 Subject: Re: Audio Recording of Concerts
 al doesnt seem to really care if people record or not. he just hates
 shitty sounding recordings make their way around. but really it is up
 the venue. if the club allows it then go crazy.


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Re: Taping pt. II
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2004, 02:38:00 pm »
We have been told there will be no audio or video taping allowed for the BBVD show.  It is possible they will inform us on Friday that they will permit taping but, at this juncture,  we will be enforcing a no recording policy.