Author Topic: A Message From BT  (Read 1559 times)


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  • Posts: 3869
    • Air Atlantic Underground
A Message From BT
« on: March 03, 2009, 01:08:53 am »
You know I usually don't post this kind of stuff here but this being a very good local organization in need and this being a board with a big reach, I thought I'd take the plunge. (Besides, I love horses.)

Dear All,

we are faced with the conundrum of if we want to help, how do we do
this meaningfully.  In these times and our economy there are multitudes
of people that truly need help while we ourselves are often stretched
so thin that if we do have an extra money or time to donate,  it's next
to impossible to give where you know your actually making an impact. I
for one want to know I am making some meaningful impact on the human
narrative (in everything I do not just in conscious giving but if your
getting this email you know me well enough to know that :)

sister, Sarah Transeau founded an equine non-profit in 2002.  That's a
fancy way of saying she rescues horses in abuse or distress
situations,  rehabilitates them and pairs them up with kids, adults,
veterans and people from all walks of life, that suffer from physical,
mental or emotional illness or trauma.  Research and practical
experience shows that horses have an amazing ability to help people
acknowledge their feelings, feel validated with new self worth and
confidence, experience renewed desire to face life, risk trusting
themselves and others and communicate authentically.  Many, if not all
of us experience trauma, but the trauma someone experiences daily that
lives with depression, or cancer or that has risked their own life to
protect the sanctity of our country and its people, makes me for one,
feel lucky for my trials.  What my sister does is noble and beautiful
and she directly impacts people in a transformative way, that has a
deep, meaningful and lasting result. I am awed by her work, and aspire
to do some modicum of the same good in my own. You may know someone
well in the MD, Virgina area who could DEEPLY benifit from this kind of
work. Please contact us if you do.

are autistic kids that speak their first words from the back of
a patient rescued horse, depression or bipolar sufferers who decide
they want to live productively again,  soldiers and veterans with PTSD
who thought themselves forever broken, who learn to trust and open
their hearts again. In a world where children are starving and people
are loosing their homes or don't have one to being with,  it's hard to
ask people to give anything for any reason. What Tranquility Farms does
with rescued horses changes people, for the good, and forever. If you
or someone you love could benefit from ..therapeutic riding, contact
us. If you can contribute time, council, money, food, goods,
services.....anything, it will directly impact the lives of people and
animals in need in a meaningful and lasting way. Please forward this
letter to anyone you know who could benefit or help.

To hear more about the wonderful work of Tranquility Farm, visit their website:

Thank you for reading this :)
Sarah?s proud brother,

