Author Topic: Etymotic Research Earplugs - Where to buy in the area?  (Read 1826 times)


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Etymotic Research Earplugs - Where to buy in the area?
« on: March 28, 2009, 03:02:56 am »
Does anyone know of a brick and mortar store in the area that sells them? I'm looking for the basic ER20 version. I would buy them online but I don't know if they would arrive in time.

If anyone has suggestions for other earplugs that can be purchased locally that would be great too. I just remember the Etymotic ones b/c they were recommended in the forum a few years ago.



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Re: Etymotic Research Earplugs - Where to buy in the area?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2009, 09:08:41 am »
There used to be a "store finder" option on the Etymotic site, I think.  It's not there now so I don't know if any local stores carry them.  If I remember correctly, there was a place in Bowie that was listed, but I can't remember the name.  The customer service at Etymotic is excellent, but not available on weekends, so you may be out of luck until Monday.  Sorry I can't be of more help.

Good luck.


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Re: Etymotic Research Earplugs - Where to buy in the area?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2009, 12:41:21 pm »
I use custom hearing protectors by Westone. I love them.  They have a 25 db filter on them, and they are perfect for decreasing the volume of live music, without losing any of the quality and dynamics.  I didnt get them at a store though, I got them through an audiologist at UMD.  Best investment I have ever made for my ears.

These are the filters (the 25's).

On Westones website you can search for stores that sell their products. Here is one dc one:


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Re: Etymotic Research Earplugs - Where to buy in the area?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 12:20:03 am »
I ended up ordering a pair from Amazon since I was able to mooch off of someone else's Prime account.

jd- Thanks for the info about Etymotic's customer service. It's always good to know which companies are helpful. I may give them a call about the small canal version.

saly- I'll definitely check out Westone if I ever decide to get a custom pair. Thanks for the recommendation.