Author Topic: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call  (Read 4659 times)


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Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« on: April 06, 2009, 10:38:04 am »
I'm still on the fence over this one.  Been years since I've seen them.  Anyone seen them recently?

Vas Deferens

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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2009, 01:46:14 pm »
great/ amazing/ badass show according to their myspace friends:

Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 02:01:04 pm »
What does a band do when they're banned from the Black Cat stages?

Why go and headline at the 9:30 Club, of course.


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 02:03:27 pm »
hah...didn't know they were banned from BC.  only ever saw them on the backstage there...

I thought the 9:30 was a little big for this show but who knows.  I probably won't make it to the show tonight...

Vas Deferens

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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 02:06:03 pm »
they are banned from some california venues as well...of course this was years ago.

singer is a dickhead.

as they are unpredictable, I'd rather stay home than waste my money and gas.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 02:13:01 pm by wanderlust j. sweetcheex »


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2009, 02:21:00 pm »
all the stops on this tour have apparently been nothing but great.

Lazer Guided Melodies

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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2009, 03:00:15 pm »
I saw them a couple of weeks ago and it was a good show.  They played for 2 hours with no crazy between songs antics.  Matt Hollywood is back in the band so it was nice getting to hear his songs again.  Apparently, they had stopped in Aspen the day before the show.  Anton said, "Joel bought a house in Aspen.  He says he wants to run for mayor." :D


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2009, 09:01:43 pm »
Thought I'd bring these comments over here from the 'This Week's Roll Call' thread:

Highly doubt BJM will be even half full.

You may be right which surprises me. There was a time when the BJM maddness prevailed around here but I think Anton's couple of drunken extravaganzas through town are catching up with him. I missed him when he played DC9 (I think it was). That show was good, wasn't it? Only saw them once and that was a number of years ago in Baltimore and that was a good show. Anton's spent a good amount of time in Iceland lately and I have a feeling it's chilled him down a bit. At least, I sure hope so. Looking forward to seeing the show.

However, I have to admit that the real push that is getting me down for the show is to see the opener, Flavor Crystals. Have no idea how their music will translate live but I flipping love this band, especially their first album called On Plastic. In fact, when I was doing my radio show, The Trans-Atlantic Underground on Kool Rock Radio, I selected On Plastic as the album of the year for 2005. I'm still playing them on Air Atlantic Underground Radio. The song Milky Way still sets me a good way. Kind of like a mildly tempered Lupine Howl. With that said, their 2nd release is a whole lot more laid back and kind of misty sounding. For beginners, I would recommend On Plastic. Don't skip out on the band if you are coming to the show, especially if you like a bit of spacey Psychedelia in your music. Not way out there like Psychic Ills but more like a nice mild buzz.

So, those who went, what did you think of the show? I know there had to be others there from the board besides Az and myself. The place was packed though it seemed a big bulk of the people didn't arrive until just before BJM hit the stage.

Thankfully, Anton was on his good behaviour but something was up. From the moment he hit the stage he looked really down and depressed about something. At one point towards the end of the show, one of the band members (Matt Hollywood if I recall) went over and cusped his shoulder for a moment as if to console him. Something was definitely not right for him. At first I was thinking that maybe it might have been some lingering seasonal affective disorder from spending the long winter months in the darklands of Iceland. As the show progressed, it was evident that something else was up but I couldn't figure out what.

Other than about 2 swallows of a Red Bull, he wasn't drinking. Obviously, based on his past performances, that's a good thing. I even wondered if maybe he has some kind of a drinking or conduct clause in his contract. Pure speculation on my part but it all makes perfect sense to me. At one point he bitched about something being 'pedestrian bullshit' but that's all I could make out. I can never understand what musicians say over mics. Besides, he didn't really say it to us.

Though I was disappointed that they didn't play my favorite song, I was very pleased with The Flavor Crystals. Wasn't sure how they would come off live but felt they delivered.

By the way, can we have a DJ playlist? There was some good music spinning before the show. Saw someone up in the booth but didn't recognize him. There was one particular song that Az and I were really tripping out to and we'd love to know what it was. Looked like the music between the sets was coming from the soundboard.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 09:16:06 pm by Jaguar »


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2009, 10:34:44 am »
I was there.  The place did seem to fill up quickly right before BJM took the stage, I was surprised that there weren't more people during the Flavor Crystals set (which I really enjoyed BTW).

BJM and Anton specifically did seem a little subdued, but all in all that was probably for the best.  Sure beats the alternative... I didn't want to see the show end prematurely after driving 2 hrs from Richmond to see it.    I thought the BJM sounded fantastic and was really pleased with the set list (except for the omission of "Going To Hell").  Thought that might be an encore song, was a little bummed that there was no encore, but in reading some reviews of other recent shows seems like the no-encore, feedback exit is standard for these guys.

As for Anton's comment, it was in response to some lame heckler in the crowd trying to bait him by shouting "fuck you Anton" a couple of times.  Anton turned around, said "I heard that" and then said "that's pedestrian bullshit".  Matt then said  something like "yeah, and pedestrians get run over in this town". 


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2009, 10:55:09 am »
There were quite a few douchebags in the crowd that seemed as though they were trying to bait him.



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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2009, 03:28:38 pm »
I was there.  The place did seem to fill up quickly right before BJM took the stage, I was surprised that there weren't more people during the Flavor Crystals set (which I really enjoyed BTW).

BJM and Anton specifically did seem a little subdued, but all in all that was probably for the best.  Sure beats the alternative... I didn't want to see the show end prematurely after driving 2 hrs from Richmond to see it.    I thought the BJM sounded fantastic and was really pleased with the set list (except for the omission of "Going To Hell").  Thought that might be an encore song, was a little bummed that there was no encore, but in reading some reviews of other recent shows seems like the no-encore, feedback exit is standard for these guys.

As for Anton's comment, it was in response to some lame heckler in the crowd trying to bait him by shouting "fuck you Anton" a couple of times.  Anton turned around, said "I heard that" and then said "that's pedestrian bullshit".  Matt then said  something like "yeah, and pedestrians get run over in this town". 

Thanks for filling me in. I heard someone yell out something goofy but that was a bit before that. It wasn't insulting and the reaction didn't make sense for what that guy yelled but I missed the Fuck you comment. (The Kewpie groupies were screaming in my ears!) How the Hell can anyone want to chance setting Anton off with his history? I'm there to see and hear the music; not some asshole intentionally set off a tempermental artist who will pre-empt a show the rest of us very much want to see. There were quite a lot of totally obnoxious assholes laced through the crowd. The worst were right next to me. The Kewpie groupies! UGH! Totally annoying!

'Subdued' was the word I had been looking for. I thought BJM were very good but there was something just not in full speed. All in all, I was quite happy.             
« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 03:30:44 pm by Jaguar »


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2009, 04:06:26 pm »
so what all did they play? I wanted to go to this.


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2009, 07:57:43 pm »
They pretty much ran through all the standards in their back catalog.  Only well known songs I remember missing were Going To Hell and Swallowtail.  Would have to say Not If You Were The Last Dandy got the most enthusiastic crowd response.  Pretty much all of the Matt songs got people moving.  Set was about 2 hrs long.


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2009, 09:40:24 am »

So, those who went, what did you think of the show? I know there had to be others there from the board besides Az and myself. The place was packed though it seemed a big bulk of the people didn't arrive until just before BJM hit the stage.

 i went and didnt show up until AFTER they had just gone on.  but i didnt think they would go on before 930. damn you 930 club and you're early shows!!!!! cant even wait for the basketball game to get over with...

  i liked the show but i have a weird relationship with BJM.....thats all i'm gonna say.

edit: and now i see they played for 2 hours...i didnt get there til like 10....i thought it was kinda short...did i miss half of it?????
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 09:43:18 am by back to sonick »


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Re: Brian Jonestown Massacre Roll Call
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2009, 02:01:45 am »
So this is up on Dime.