Author Topic: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive  (Read 38710 times)


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #135 on: November 03, 2010, 03:58:26 pm »
Don't forget that some growers don't want to pay taxes.

this was a hilarious story about it.

I remember hearing that on my drive to work the other day and laughing.

"Dude, it would make having this illegal?"

"Why is that?"

"Prop 19 would mean this is too much to possess."

"Oh, well, I'll vote against it."

Um, earth to dragonfly.   It's illegal to possess that now... 

James Ford

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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #136 on: November 03, 2010, 04:03:07 pm »
On a board where taking oneself way too seriously seems to be the norm, isn't a bit of silliness a good thing?
Or does walkonby have a monpoly on silliness?

So who won last night? Leibowitz (Stewart) or Colbert?
It's kinda silly to be obsessed with Jon's real last name isn't it 'James Ford'?


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #137 on: November 03, 2010, 04:06:50 pm »
Once the public employees of California realize that they won't be getting the retirement benefits they were promised (or, alternatively, the private sector employees realize they have to subsidize public employees' retirement) legalized pot will sail through.


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #138 on: November 03, 2010, 04:08:25 pm »
On a board where taking oneself way too seriously seems to be the norm, isn't a bit of silliness a good thing?
Or does walkonby have a monpoly on silliness?

So who won last night? Leibowitz (Stewart) or Colbert?
It's kinda silly to be obsessed with Jon's real last name isn't it 'James Ford'?


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #139 on: November 03, 2010, 05:26:40 pm »
In my mind the election was more a referendum on democratic leadership than democratic policy.  Even if all Obama policy decisions have been rational, Obama has lost his ability to inspire the American public, and that truly is the president's most important role.  He had the Audacity of Hope and the Audacity to Win . . .but he's lacking in the Audacity to Lead.

I mean, you get 8 years of someone that fucked up things before you and people expect you to fix it in 4. The general public I feel wants a quick a fix to every one of the problems which is what I think made people lose faith in Obama. I think if anything, Obama's shown more strength than most democrats. But he won't get credit for it because, the GOP, Tea Party baggers, and whomever have smeared his name as everything from a socialist to etc. And also, the party politics really were at the forefront blocking the process of getting things such as Healthcare reform passed. I think he's been doing all he can with what he has. Don't agree with everything he's done but, I'm not mad at him for showing he's proactive and wants to do his job.

Furthermore, that was his campaign when ran; the HOPE  and CHANGE bit. I honestly thought he was the better candidate out of all of them because he didn't come off so bat-shit crazy in comparison. He was stating what HE wants to do when he gets in office. And now, what he accomplished is a different story. Because even the president has a boss. On top of that, haters in the cut that want to stop what he's doing.

Gonna quote myself and post this link. Very interesting.


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #140 on: November 03, 2010, 08:51:17 pm »
Time to go into full Denzel mode, get the swagger back, take charge, and explain this shit to America like they are a 4-year old


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #141 on: November 03, 2010, 08:54:54 pm »
^^^Exactly. People let the drama overshadow what has been completed. By the time they realize that, Obama's term will be over.


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #142 on: November 03, 2010, 09:32:45 pm »
In my mind the election was more a referendum on democratic leadership than democratic policy.  

Fully agree with this. From what I could tell, it wasn't so much people wanting Republicans in but people who are fed up and wanting to get rid of a lot of politicians they are pissed off with.

The Democrats need to take heed and clean house of a lot of the corruption and other ills that has infested their party. Earn the people's respect and trust back.

By the same token, the Republicans need to do exactly the very same thing otherwise, mark my words, that old political pendulum is in full swing and will hit just as hard back the other way in 2 years for the next election period.

Blaming 'the other guys' is nothing but a sheer cop-out. Too much stuff was done since then that many are not happy with, and it wasn't just by one politician alone. Many have done things to piss off those they supposedly represent. And that goes for both parties though, obviously, the Democrats took the bigger hit last night. Don't for a second think that the Republicans now have it smooth sailing for awhile because you would be wrong. We're watching and we're watching all of you!

People are pissed off at all of the unethical crap they are all doing which is all too often doing nothing but causing all kinds of harm and destruction in their political wake. Voting is one of the few ways that many people know of to try to do something about things and we're sick of settling for the 'lesser of two evils'. With a larger than usual number of write-in candidates winning, it only goes to prove that YES, a 3rd option CAN win. Doesn't necessarily mean that they are better but it does put the mainstream 2 party system on notice.


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #143 on: November 04, 2010, 01:46:21 am »
On a board where taking oneself way too seriously seems to be the norm, isn't a bit of silliness a good thing?
Or does walkonby have a monpoly on silliness?

So who won last night? Leibowitz (Stewart) or Colbert?
It's kinda silly to be obsessed with Jon's real last name isn't it 'James Ford'?

Silliness is good occasionally. Funny is better for extended periods.
walkonby is generally funny.
'Monpoly' sounds like a Swedish gay fetish club. Time Out Stockholm would call it 'Sexy and silly'.


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #144 on: November 04, 2010, 09:44:03 am »

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #145 on: November 05, 2010, 07:21:59 am »
In my mind the election was more a referendum on democratic leadership than democratic policy.  

Fully agree with this. From what I could tell, it wasn't so much people wanting Republicans in but people who are fed up and wanting to get rid of a lot of politicians they are pissed off with.

While this is true, it's also a stupid attitude.   "We're fed up with the current politicians, so we're going to vote in the other party that we just voted out two years ago because they f***ed things up to begin with."   It's like we're a nation of short-sighted, petulant infants.

Certainly the voters have punished the Democrats, as they meant to (and as the Democrats deserved), but they've punished the country's future as a result.   The Republicans have already made clear that their number one priority is extending the Bush tax cuts for the very wealthy, and Obama, who apparently still views himself as Abe Lincoln, has already indicated he is willing to compromise on this.   He ought to channel the Abe Lincoln who sent General William Tecumseh Sherman to finish off the South.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 07:26:33 am by Doctor Doom »

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #146 on: November 05, 2010, 09:59:49 am »
He ought to channel the Abe Lincoln who sent General William Tecumseh Sherman to finish off the South.

I like the way you think.


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Re: Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive
« Reply #147 on: November 06, 2010, 10:05:51 am »
hmmm I didn't realize that Ozzy was at this event during the day.  I thought it was a taped segment.  He played Voodoo that night which by the way he rocked  ;D  Wish this rally to restore crap was this weekend.