Author Topic: The Annoying People...  (Read 7705 times)


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Re: The Annoying People...
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2011, 03:43:53 pm »
I'm staying the hell out of this other than to point out that GGW, and then sweetcell, were referring to walkonby and not you because of the ambiguity (at the time) of the original post.  It was all cleared up a little later.

I'll turn around and head back out again.

Thanks...  It did have a tad of ambiguity.  I was hoping that it was not just me missing something! 

you haven't missed anything . . . you're still a fuckhead that opposes gay marriage.  go kill yourself.  we don't need you.

So my opposition to gay marriage all by itself makes me a fuck head?  Perhaps if you did not have such anger issues, we would be able to discuss this like rational people.  As a closing word I will add that if you go around hating anyone who does not agree with your person views on things, you will be a lonely and angry person forever.  Time to move onto the next topic for me.  I choose not to have a discussion with someone who has hate and anger as the sole basis for their views.

James Ford

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Re: The Annoying People...
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2011, 03:57:43 pm »
Is this really true?

[  As a closing word I will add that if you go around hating anyone who does not agree with your person views on things, you will be a lonely and angry person forever. 


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Re: The Annoying People...
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2011, 04:32:01 pm »
Here's a simple thought:

If you're opposed to gay marriage, don't get married to someone of the same gender.

no no, gay marriage is another example of the Liberal Slippery Slope: first they want the right to same-sex marriages, next thing you know they'll be FORCING you into a same-sex marriage!  allowing gay marriage will have a direct impact on YOU!!!


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Re: The Annoying People...
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2011, 09:50:54 pm »
Is this really true?

[  As a closing word I will add that if you go around hating anyone who does not agree with your person views on things, you will be a lonely and angry person forever. 

The point I was making is that EVERYONE disagrees with "you" on some issue.


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Re: The Annoying People...
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2011, 09:53:46 pm »
Here's a simple thought:

If you're opposed to gay marriage, don't get married to someone of the same gender.

no no, gay marriage is another example of the Liberal Slippery Slope: first they want the right to same-sex marriages, next thing you know they'll be FORCING you into a same-sex marriage!  allowing gay marriage will have a direct impact on YOU!!!

Just in case this is construed as being my point of view, let me clear up that I don't thank that anyone wants to force me to do anything.  That line of thought has nothing at all to do with my beliefs.