Author Topic: Booking Questions  (Read 4919 times)


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Re: Booking Questions
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2012, 01:57:14 am »
Curious, could you have still helped to promote the show despite being out of town?
I'd be looking more for a booking %$ than name credit since you are not actively promoting, sponsoring, or attending the show. (Perhaps this is what they thought?)
If you have emails or even voice mails from said person, stating your expectations, that's something, albeit not a contract. But if you have not heard from them, what can you do? Not sure it's kosher to contact the talent or venue at this point. Other than maybe reach out to them for future business.
At the very least it's on your list of experience if you have the venue/talent as a reference, and documentation if anyone wants to check.


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Re: Booking Questions
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2012, 09:07:57 am »
At first, this person had offered to team up and co-promote the show assuming I'd be in town. Once I realized that the band's avails were when I was going to be away, I still offered to kick-in towards the guarantee, make efforts to promote the show, etc. The promoter declined and said I have to be physically present to properly promote the show, but said I could still help out in writing a press release or sending out a newsletter. The promoter had also tried and failed to get them into town last winter FWIW.

The thing is that I have a lot of friends in the area that would go to the show, a graphic designer that would design a concert poster, and so forth. But the fact that this person basically kept me out of the loop despite saying otherwise makes me want to take Seth's advice in a heartbeat. The Twitter and FB show announcements of "So and so Presents" is just salt in the wound when the show would not even be happening without my initial emails with the band's agency and passing it onto this person.


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Re: Booking Questions
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2012, 03:52:20 pm »
if it were me, I would tell this person that next time you will do things without them if this is how you are going to be treated

then make good on that threat

Listen to this man.

Pssssh, what does he know?? ;)


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Re: Booking Questions
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2012, 11:11:19 am »
So after many trials and tribulations, I'm proud to announce that my first show is officially booked. If any of you guys reside in upstate New York, be sure to check out Southeast Engine this coming Tuesday (11/6) at Red Square in Albany.

They are actually playing the Dunes this Saturday if you're in DC this weekend.

Huge props to all on here (especially Snailhook and Seth) for the advice and words of encouragement.