Author Topic: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)  (Read 3081 times)

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:37:35 am »
Can we discuss this, for the love of fucking God?

What a two-faced charlatan. As a founding member of the #StarvingForHillary movement, I went on a posting hunger strike until this delusion wackadoo stopped his insane campaign for the Presidency but I feel I can be silent no more. Especially not today, on this Weblebrity is a Bitch Day. (Side note: my alternate title for this thread would be "The Character Assassination of Hillary Clinton by the Coward Bernie Sanders." Yes, I am much better at titling things than you are; get over it.)

This is a dude without scruples. He should not be dictating terms of Hillary Clinton's campaign; we should be dictating under what terms this piece of human shit is allowed to continue caucusing with the Democrats, because he clearly cares about the Democratic Party about as much as I care about people who drink tequila. He's an asshole.

This is a dude who is simultaneously is arguing for the removal of super delegates while also campaigning for said super delegates to erase the 350 delegate deficit (i. e. "the will of the people") simultaneously. He is completely devoid of shame. This is a man who gets up on his bully pulpit and talks about a revolution of the people who, out of the other side of his mouth, says that despite losing a national primary by 20%, he still should be the nominee. This is a man who preaches the redemptive power of democracy while fueling his entire campaign on victories in the completely un-democratic system of caucuses. Caucuses aren't democratic; they're ancient fucking Sparta. They're rule by who can buy out the largest part of their day and shout the loudest. They're the antithesis of "every vote counts the same." Fuck that. But most immediately: this is a man who talks about disenfranchised millions while only demographically winning states that feature upper-class white people and minority populations of less than 8%. Look who the WASPy north-east voted for: the voice of change is not fucking Connecticut. This dude is a fraud.

I am taking the power back. Grandpa Sleeps-with-staffers doesn't control me, and he doesn't control the American electorate. He doesn't get to decide talking points and he doesn't get to decide when he's branded the fucking loser he is. The Golden State Warriors didn't get to declare a 5th quarter to last night's NBA Finals Game 6, and neither does Bernie "I am only running because I am sleeping with my campaign staff" Sanders. He doesn't get to concede at this point. There are no last words. The Bern is sound and fury signifying nothing.

We have a historic, singular threat facing America in the form on Mussolini 2.0: Electric Boogaloo (or as you know him, Donald Trump). We have nationalistic, racist, jingoism being run as an established major party platform and the time for worrying about the feelings of some goddamn hippies who love the walking embodiment of hypocrisy can no longer be tolerated. It's no longer about who is ready for Hillary; it's about coalescing around Hillary "ready" be damned. It's time to stand up for what actually makes America great, not a dude who -- again -- is clearly only in this campaign to sleep with college chicks.

Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck his campaign of ego. He is a whiny, little bitch. On this, of all days, can we just say that? Grandpa Vermont is a whiny little bitch.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 10:43:44 am by Julian, Authenticated LUXUROPHILE »


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Re: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2016, 09:40:49 am »
I may not agree with some of what you say, most even, but ultimately I'm with you. This is now as much of a vanity thing as Nader, Buchanan, and Perot. The addiction of the crowds screaming your name makes a man do strange things. I wonder what Mrs. Sanders thinks of all this.

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2016, 09:44:19 am »
I may not agree with some of what you say, most even, but ultimately I'm with you. This is now as much of a vanity thing as Nader, Buchanan, and Perot. The addiction of the crowds screaming your name makes a man do strange things. I wonder what Mrs. Sanders thinks of all this.
There are two plausible explanations: dude has dementia and thinks there are 194 states or he is sleeping with a staffer and doesn't want the gravy train to end when she has to go back to Vassar.


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Re: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2016, 10:04:40 am »
he started doing well in the second half of the race, and that head of steam has gotten to his, well, head.  i believe it was vince lombardi who said "we didn't lose, we just ran out of time to win."  yeah, well, the clock is part of the game.  the party's got to end at some point.

playing devil's lawyer for a second:

This is a dude who is simultaneously is arguing for the removal of super delegates while also campaigning for said super delegates to erase the 350 delegate deficit (i. e. "the will of the people") simultaneously.

that makes sense.  he's stuck with super-delegates (SDs) this time 'round so he's doing what he can.  but seeing them as wrong, he's also working to change the rules so next time he won't have to deal with them.  it's a sensible strategy.  obviously we can debate whether or not his "doing what he can" is legitimate, but the two-pronged attack on SDs makes sense.

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2016, 10:17:37 am »
This is a dude who is simultaneously is arguing for the removal of super delegates while also campaigning for said super delegates to erase the 350 delegate deficit (i. e. "the will of the people") simultaneously.

that makes sense.  he's stuck with super-delegates (SDs) this time 'round so he's doing what he can.  but seeing them as wrong, he's also working to change the rules so next time he won't have to deal with them.  it's a sensible strategy.  obviously we can debate whether or not his "doing what he can" is legitimate, but the two-pronged attack on SDs makes sense.
Respectfully, that doesn't make sense. You cannot say "this is an affront to democracy" out of one side of your mouth while saying "hey, affront to democracy, please shit all over democracy" out of the other side unless you're a giant hypocrite, a fraud, a whiny little bitch, or all three.


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Re: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2016, 11:37:24 am »
other than the college coeds thing which I know of no evidence of I agree with you 100% so nothing to really discuss....

I used to like Bernie but strongly dislike his supporters who are largely deranged delusional lunatics...calling Hillary a "monster" just doesn't work for me.. I have a problem with that... and that is what they do...

But after Bernie got whipped in New York state primary... and Jeff Weaver (who I detest) made the argument about the superdelegates needing to overturn the voters... at that point I began really really disliking Bernie...

I now think things went to his head and combined with early onset dementia he's just lost it.... it must be crazy to have been consistently ignored, ridiculed in congress for decades - ACHIEVED NOTHING (be that kid who sits alone at the corner lunch table) -and then suddenly you run for president and attract a lot of support... he probably just could not handle it.... Bernie is also, I believe, getting very bad advice from Weaver...

I have been saying for a long time that Hillary does not need Bernie...or all of his supporters...  but it is sad how Bernie is trying to destroy her candidacy.. he talks about needing to stop Trump out of one side of his mouth and says he disagrees strongly wtih Hillary on many issues.... I mean come on..

He overplayed his hand and overstayed his welcome.... I dont' think he will accomplish much in the end.. he may accomplish less than Howard Dean who at least ran the DNC for a while and had some success in that capacity....

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2016, 11:49:08 am »
I agree re:Weaver.

The Bern is an enormous hypocrite. His dual positions on things are untenable and divorced from reason. If the Dems get to 50 senators without him and Hillary wins they should refuse to allow him to caucus with them. If Vermont had a soul, they'd recall Grandpa Whiny-Little-Bitch.

He just straight up hates the Democratic party and the people who vote for them. His actions trumps (no pun intended) anything he says. He's out for Bernie.


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Re: Bernie Sanders is a Whiny Little Bitch (Day)
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2016, 12:49:54 pm »
the caucus issue has really been bugging me. agreed on most of your points