Hey dudes, remember back to the old days (y'know, when the second coming of the 9:30 club was still relatively new and the Black Cat just started up Mouse Trap). We frequently made requests and suggestions to the webmaster of this sacred forum to improve user friendliness.
Is that still happening? Since the number of posts and members on this forum have apparently more than quintupled since the old days, I can't possibly read all the threads (nor...ahem).
So.....is there a way, or can there be a way, to "subscribe" to certain threads, whether contributed to or not? Some other discussion boards send the subscriber an email when a topic of interest is changed.
And how about adding the name of the last person to post on a given thread, in addition to the original author of the thread. Didn't we have that feature back in the day?
So lemme know what's up. Thanks for checking in the other day, Economartin. And Kos, that's so cool that you're DJ'ing. What kind of music do you play and where at? I'm sure I mentioned that I DJ'd a few times at the old 9:30 on F Street back during the Pre-Cambrian era and had lots'o'fun.