Author Topic: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call  (Read 2202 times)


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Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« on: April 03, 2007, 11:57:00 am »
Is anyone planning to go to this at Rock n Roll Hotel?  I'm digging the Broken West album but SOTAF not so much.  I'm unfamiliar with Long Winters.  Worth heading out on Tuesday night?
 Sorry if this was posted before.

Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2007, 12:10:00 pm »
If this show were earlier or on a weekend, I'd definitely go. Probably won't because it's so late on a Tuesday.
 Make sure you stay for the Long Winters. Excellent live band. Great power pop sound. Not unlike the Broken West, but less twangy (I'm being overly simplistic here of course, but if you like the Broken West, you'll like the Long Winters). And frontman John Roderick is a witty, funny smartass of a frontman with great between song banter.
 And I agree, SOTAF, not so good.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2007, 12:16:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  If this show were on a weekend, I'd definitely go. Probably won't because it's so late on a Tuesday.
 Make sure you stay for the Long Winters. Excellent live band.


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2007, 12:26:00 pm »
Don't be fooled.  Stars of Track And Field are great.  I want to go see them, but will probably wait for the 930 Club show with Jeff Kelin.

Vas Deferens

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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2007, 12:33:00 pm »
review from Chromewaves:
 It's a damn shame that The Long Winters' 2006 record Putting The Days To Bed has been so overlooked and underappreciated by most everyone, including myself. It's one of those albums that I forget is on my iPod until I go cruising for something to listen to and spin it and am reminded what a terrific pop gem it is. Witty, erudite and charming, John Roderick is a top-notch songwriter for those of use who like our songs wordy and he's the same way as a frontman... but I'm getting ahead of myself. There were two other bands on the bill at the El Mocambo on Tuesday night. Them first.
 I don't think there's any way that naming your band after a Belle & Sebastian song can be construed as a good idea, but if you were expecting cardigan-tugging twee anthems from Portland's Stars Of Track & Field, think again. The duo instead offer up an overly-earnest mix of Coldplay sensitive anthemicism and Postal Service electro-pop that just wasn't especially interesting. And I tend not to trust any band that sees fit to go on tour with a Floyd-worthy stage setup of smoke machines and motorized spotlights but no bassist. Especially if they're wearing ascots.
 Los Angeles' Broken West were already in my good books for a) turning out an excellent Cal-pop debut in I Can't Go On, I'll Go On earlier this year and b) opening up day two of Hot Freaks two weeks ago at the ungodly hour of 11AM and still turning in a great set. On this however, their Canadian debut performance, they should have billed themselves as The Broken Strings as they broke no less than three guitar strings within the first few songs of their set, forcing both guitarists to play Keith Richards-style. As a result (or coincidentally), their set wasn't especially tight and they were also plagued by a rather dodgy mix coming out of the PA. They still made it through an shortened set (maybe not wanting to play longer and tempt the fates further) and the strength of their songs still came across, but I hope they make it back soon and have better luck. And some extra high-e strings.
 And back to John Roderick and gang. The man totally reminded me of your favourite high school history teacher, the one that you could imagine going out for drinks with or fronting a rock band in his spare time. Declaring the show to be all-request from the get-go, the band let the audience - smallish but obviously devoted - dictate the set list. Though a lot of the selections ranged back to earlier records, EPs and singles, they still managed to cover a lot of material from Days, which is good since that's their only record I'm really acquainted with. But for popsmiths of Roderick's calibre that's hardly a prerequisite for enjoying the songs - those hooks make good contact the first time around. Combine that with the fact that Roderick is, as mentioned earlier, a grade-A stage banterer and the fact they got the mix sorted out and things were actually sounding pretty good and you had a fine evening.


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2007, 12:55:00 pm »
And frontman John Roderick is a witty, funny smartass of a frontman with great between song banter.
This is a spot-on description.  I can't recommend the Long Winters enough. Power pop with lyrics that are both fun and cerebral. You will have a hard time walking out of the show without a smile on your face.


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2007, 01:12:00 pm »
wednesdays are really shitty for me, so i can't make it out tonight ... but i liked The Broken West when i saw them open for the Walkmen in NYC a couple weeks ago ... not a great live band (just not self-assured enough yet), but their songs come across really well, and their album is really good


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2007, 02:25:00 pm »
Thanks for all the input.  If I go, I'll arrive a little late and plan to stay very late into the evening!


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2007, 02:27:00 pm »


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2007, 02:51:00 pm »
I'm going...even bought a ticket in advance as 'insurance' that I don't flake once home.


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2007, 02:54:00 pm »
 this double posting has been happening to me a lot these days...


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 04:12:00 pm »
Originally posted by allmy$to930:
And frontman John Roderick is a witty, funny smartass of a frontman with great between song banter.
This is a spot-on description.  I can't recommend the Long Winters enough. Power pop with lyrics that are both fun and cerebral. You will have a hard time walking out of the show without a smile on your face. [/b]
Saw the Long Winters on Sunday night. Hopefully John and the drummer (whose name im blanking out on) are feeling better. They were really sick on Sunday (got sick in Toronto) and cut the set short for them, at an hour and 15 mins. According to John the set was completely different from the prior night. It was pretty much an entire set of songs called out from the audience. Im not so familiar with their songs, but I heard from a friend a few of the songs were from their first album.
 John loves to talk (more like ramble) on about all sorts of random things. He is funny as hell and quite witty.
 I wasn't a big fan of Broken West but they did put on a good show. I LOVED Stars of Track and Field and would easily go see them again. Im not sure how much their music went with Long Winters, but they are definitely worth checking out.
 You should ask him if he made out with the drummer in Toronto if he's still sick. That was a joke that started with the singer of STOTAF when he mentioned that the two were making out all night  :)  Guess it was pretty funny at the time.   :)

Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2007, 09:25:00 am »
Any show reviews from those who went?


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Re: Long Winters/Broken West/SOTAF roll call
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2007, 09:45:00 am »
I got there for four songs from Stars of Track and Field.  It was pretty good -- a bit of a generic sound I feel like I've been hearing a lot lately (not sure I can explain -- these wawa guitars that sound like they're being played in a tunnel).  As I've said a lot recently, it was a solid set.
 I wasn't in to The Broken West.  There was a dischordant aspect to their songs that didn't work for me.  It undercut the energy of the singer (though the other guitarist looked like he was sleeping standing up).
 The Long Winters was good --  but I have to say, their start time of 11:40 had me filled with some angst.  Still, they've got great songs and John Roderick puts on a good show.  Good energy and a good set.  I left happy, but also filled with the need to send an open letter to RnR Hotel, DC9 and Velvet Lounge that headliners should be on NOT LATER than 11:00 during the week.  Long Winters lost about a third of the audience during the set, and I think it was all about time (my friends left at 12:15 -- just too late for a 'school night.').  I'm no complainin' old lady, I stay up pretty late.  But we've got jobs AND classes (yes, even college kids have classes!).  Three bands -- start by 9:00.
 Anyhow, glad I went, but I am likely going to plan to miss RnR weekday shows unless it's something I just can't miss.  (I was lulled into what was apparently a false sense of security by Bombay's response about set times for Bishop Allen last week).