Originally posted by Dupek Chopra:
Who? Never heard of 'em. Not exactly world famous, are they?
That's because you went to doodle schools and they don't teach shit in history about anything other than doodle history, which should take a good 30-45 minutes to learn!
Poe died of rabies did he?...were did you learn that? I read a book about his life and they still aren't sure what the actual cause of his death was...the cause that keeps cropping up is he was drugged because it was at the time of an election, and they used to drug drunks and vagrants then take them to the polls because that's what they did back then instead of just fudging the numbers like they do these days, but the drugs effd him up big time which is why he was found on the streets of B'more delirious
and later died.