And since we're talking about Mexico....
Urban Outfitters denounced for anti-Mexican T-shirt
By Bay City News
Urban Outfitters clothing store is once again being targeted for controversial T-shirts that are viewed as racist.
Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval and a group of Latino youths will hold a news conference today denouncing Urban Outfitters for selling T-shirts that bear what they deem a "racially offensive'' slogan.
The T-shirts, which read "New Mexico: Cleaner Than Regular Mexico,'' are inappropriate and "recycle an insulting image of Mexico and Mexicans that the Latino community has fought long and hard against,'' according to Sandoval's office.
Sandoval's office called the store a "repeat offender,'' eluding to a T-shirt sold in 2003 that read "Ghettopoly,'' and bore pictures of marijuana leaves and malt liquor bottles. The store stopped selling the shirts after black leaders protested them.
The store also offended some with a T-shirt it sold that said, "Everyone Loves a Jewish Girl,'' which was surrounded by dollar signs. The company eventually altered the shirts and removed the dollar signs.
"Our community is outraged by this blatant display of derogatory stereotyping,'' said Sandoval, whose parents were born in Mexico.