I thought, though, that snailhook was talking about some advance tickets being sold through a local record store or something...
bags, the advance ticketing thing isn't going to work. there are many reasons why this is so, and i'm not going to get into it, but let's just say that most of it is due to a certain venue's incompetent owners and their disinterest in growth. we might do advance tickets for the occasional show, but that lies entirely up to the promoter (i've only done advance tickets for the doom metal festival last year, and i probably won't do it again, except for extremely special circumstances).
That place probably holds about 100 max.
we can hold more than that. it's more like 120-130, but we've gotten over that for a few shows.
the xiu xiu show will probably sell out. i doubt there will be advance tickets, but i'm not promoting the show, and i don't know if the person who is promoting it will want to do advance tickets (it's a pain in the ass for him, too). the only thing you can really do is get there early, but i understand that coming from richmond is difficult.