<img src="http://eljefedesign.com/comps/PGMG_2007.jpg" alt=" - " />
We have been listening to this band ever since they split off from the Murder City Devils way back in 2001 (any one go to the MCD show at the 9:30?). They will be playing their last ever show in Washington, DC at the Black Cat on May 20th, 2007. This is the one band that can use a Morrissey quote as a band name and not be lame.
The poster is 19 x 25, three colors silkscreened on recycled cream- colored heavy stock. As a special treat we used gold flaked ink to add a little sparkle to your wall when you hang this up. This poster combines elements of the two previous Pretty Girls posters we have done. This will be available at the show and you can see more details at our site
El Jefe Design