Author Topic: Shen / Noah Pred comes to Washington DC  (Read 892 times)


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Shen / Noah Pred comes to Washington DC
« on: February 16, 2007, 08:15:00 pm »
for fans of downtempo along the lines of monolake, deadbeat, shulman, lusine, and bluetech, you'll want to catch shen when he's in town.  very tasty electro/dub/minimal techno/etc.  the second event sounds a tad flaky (really, who has "happenings" anymore?), but there will be interesting visuals while you groove   :)  
 "Shen / Noah Pred comes to Washington DC"
 On Feb. 23 he'll be playing a DJ set at PULSE, located at the BeBar (1318 9th St. Washington DC 20001). Cover is $5.  On Feb 24, he'll be playing as Shen at the event mentioned below. Note that Shen will be playing early, from 6pm onwards. Flyers for both nights can be seen at
 Presented by: 88 and Flavored Layers +
 + About X:
 X is a 4 hour 21st century 'happening', incorporating Electronica, Performance Art, Multimedia Projections, Graphic Design and Fashion. Every week we will feature a new art theme backed by cutting edge
 + Project Start:
 February 24, 2007, 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
 Location: Pasha, 2147 P. St. Washinton DC
 Featured Artists:
 SHEN --
 Aligning Minds --
 DeNada Design --
 + Project Theme:
 (Tribal Belly Dance + Projections + Electronica + Graphics + Fashion) + YOU = X
 + Project Description:
 A creative amalgamation of LIVE art including 3 graphic designers, electronica music acts, tribal belly dancers, independent fashion designers and other local artists will take over Pasha in DuPont Circle for a 4 hour, 21st century Live-Art 'Happening'.
 At the event, a guest curator (from the world of art and design) will provide the participating graphic designers with three words. The designers will have 4 hours to create a poster for 'X', using these words as inspiration for their designs. Their laptops will be hooked up to large displays, revealing their approaches and creative process to the audience. At the end of the event, the curator will select a winning design. The winner's design will be used on a promotional poster, web site and flyer for X as well as potentially incorporated into an art book.
 + Project Details:
 Bring your lap top, bring your sketch pad, bring your camera, bring your ideas...In this environment, there's no telling what might happen. One thing's for sure though, you'll want to capture it on something!