Author Topic: Anyone else left deaf from last night?  (Read 13193 times)


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #60 on: July 22, 2004, 11:26:00 am »
Originally posted by redsock:
   and get the last word?
If I remember, I let you have the last word on our phantom planet fight. Why are you so hung up about having the last word? You brought it up then as well, didn't you?
 I dont know why you joined in at this point, Thirsty had already slapped me.
 I dont like people supplying statement of facts, that are clearly no such thing. The (probably temporary) damage was probably caused by the show, would have been much more agreeable to me.
 You are much less likely to damage your ears if they can "recover" for 24-48 hours after a loud noise. That is why construction workers and thatguy have to wear earplugs.

thirsty moore

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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #61 on: July 22, 2004, 11:29:00 am »
Yes, but it was gentle and loving.
Originally posted by mark e smith:
 Thirsty had already slapped me.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #62 on: July 22, 2004, 11:38:00 am »
Originally posted by mark e smith:
Originally posted by redsock:
   and get the last word?
If I remember, I let you have the last word on our phantom planet fight. Why are you so hung up about having the last word? You brought it up then as well, didn't you?
 I dont know why you joined in at this point, Thirsty had already slapped me.
 I dont like people supplying statement of facts, that are clearly no such thing. The (probably temporary) damage was probably caused by the show, would have been much more agreeable to me.
 You are much less likely to damage your ears if they can "recover" for 24-48 hours after a loud noise. That is why construction workers and thatguy have to wear earplugs. [/b]
Thirsty jumped in while I was writing to you. I'm just in a bad mood, and you are easy to point at. Not sure who got the last word in the Phantom Planet arguement but it wouldn't surprise me if i bitched at you then too, it's a pet peeve of mine.

thirsty moore

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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #63 on: July 22, 2004, 11:41:00 am »
Taaag team back again...
 Whoomp there it izzz
Originally posted by redsock:
 Thirsty jumped in while I was writing to you.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #64 on: July 22, 2004, 12:11:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
  Honestly I didnt really think it was that loud.  
I thought the music in between sets was even louder than the actual show(s). My friends and I had to yell at each other over the music. I thought I was in the clear to take out my earplugs immediately after the show (as I usually do) -- this time I kept them in until I was exiting, and then it was still too loud.
 *edit - all right, it may not have been as loud as the show, but it was loud.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #65 on: July 22, 2004, 01:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by mark e smith:
  I bet portable music devices are more of a threat to hearing than shows because they are used so many more hours a week.
I agree with this. When I was younger I used walkmans alot like almost every day and I noticed tinnitus when I was 14/15.
 I'm not worried about permanent hearing loss since I don't go to shows regularly and havent noticed any hearing problems in the almost 10 years I've been diagnosed.  Also, there is no scientific consensus on why ears ring or if it's directly correlated with hearing loss.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #66 on: July 22, 2004, 02:18:00 pm »
The Hives were Great!  I didn't think they were loud at all.  Clear and perfect.  I had no ringing in my ears.  I only attended The Hives set.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #67 on: July 22, 2004, 02:35:00 pm »
I thought the Hives were pretty loud, but ever since I saw the Beastie Boys w/L7 in 1992 (when my ears rang for 4 days afterwards), I almost ALWAYS wear earplugs. I bring them with to every show...I usually wear them for at least part of the show. It's always a good idea to be prepared.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #68 on: July 23, 2004, 11:49:00 am »
Well I certainly didn't intend anyone to get slapped or otherwise ganged up on due to my reporting what the doctor said!  I am happy to report that the ringing is gone (and I am SO relieved).  I'll be going back to the doctor to verify if I can hear those missing upper ranges.  And regarding that comment about not having proof - PUHLEASE!  Share a day in my quiet little world and you wouldn't express surprise at the fact that listening to three successive LOUDASS shows on Tue blasted my ear senseless.  The "previous track record" of going to see live loud shows just does not exist with me.  Of course it was the Hives.  Still love em - I'll just love em with earplugs.
 Speaking of - did you guys see the white ear plug the guitarist on the right was wearing?  Any idea on what kind that was?  It seemed to cover the entire inner area short of going over the ear.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2004, 11:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by mark e smith:
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  It takes 24 to 48 hours for your ears to recover from a "temporary threshold shift". So an exam done within 24 hours of the concert doesn't tell you a whole lot.
Ding ding DING.
 Shit! I hope those dings were not too loud, sorry! [/b]
 That cracked me up!
   :D    :D    :D    :D    :D


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #70 on: July 27, 2004, 10:06:00 am »
Originally posted by cool_beanies:
  PUHLEASE!  Share a day in my quiet little world  
I am glad your ringing went away. Do your ears feel normal now?
 There are plenty of other ways to lose hearing range..... Getting old, and being subjected to loud noises outwith your natural hearing range (you cannot hear them, they still can do damage) are two good possibilities.
 And Jag, thankyou. It made me laugh again re-reading it.


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Re: Anyone else left deaf from last night?
« Reply #71 on: July 30, 2004, 05:29:00 pm »
Originally posted by cool_beanies:
    Speaking of - did you guys see the white ear plug the guitarist on the right was wearing?  Any idea on what kind that was?  It seemed to cover the entire inner area short of going over the ear.
Not certain, but I believe that is a musician's earpiece designed to plug into another device that goes to the  guitar - so the musician can hear his guitar directly. Something like that?