Author Topic: Fifty Foot Wave Roll Call  (Read 2319 times)


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Re: Fifty Foot Wave Roll Call
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2004, 10:48:00 am »
eh, twas ok - I was practically catatonic with fatigue so wasn't really in the mood to be at a show in the first place
 The Standard were very very good - bought a copy of their CD after the show - kinda Radioheady I guess (before they became self indulgent)
 50'~ were LOUD - hurting your eardrums loud - no other way to put it - the drummer is a freak of nature - unfreakinbelievable - for the first few songs you could barely hear the vocals which was kinda irritating - I moved towards the back and it was a little better - the songs I knew were great - the songs I didn't know were LOUD
 and the crowd was
 1. Small
 2. Quiet - even Hersh commented on it and
 3. Didn't move around much (I'm as much at fault as anyone here)