Author Topic: Morrissey coming to DC?  (Read 33227 times)


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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #195 on: July 03, 2007, 06:20:00 pm »
Originally posted by Roadbike Mankie:
  (fucking lawyers - except smackie)
<img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #196 on: July 03, 2007, 07:02:00 pm »
Baltimore ticket holders, you might not want to read this...
 The backing band was amazingly strong. Finally, the band that he deserves (even if they were dressed like cater-waiters).
 My favorite part was the Genghis Khan-style gong that was struck during the end of How Soon is Now.
 If anyone's interested, the weird intro "music" to the show can be found  here or  here. (First link is better but doesn't seem to be working right now.)


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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #197 on: July 04, 2007, 09:54:00 am »
 "An announcement will be made as soon as possible as to whether it is possible to reschedule any of these shows, and in the meantime ticket holders should maintain possession of their tickets."


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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #198 on: July 04, 2007, 01:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
Originally posted by TheDirector217:
  Apparently, I'm late on this. But when did stage-rushing become some kind of ritual at Morrissey shows??  When I think stage-rush, I don't quite imagine Morrissey.  Somebody break this down for me nice & elequent-like, please . . . .
ive seen that at every moz show ive been to since the early 90s or so? when has it not been a part of the show when someone (or lots of someones) tries to get on stage with moz and then he leaves the stage 20 mins later      :)     [/b]
still waiting... anyone?  anyone?
 and what's the point in the end - to give Moz a hug?  to freak him out, or to see if he remains calm while a fan is tackled by the bouncers?  or is the point just to say that you're on stage with moz and try lasting as long as possible before being kicked off?  i really don't get it. [/b]
Saw the tribute band last night . . . . They were surprisingly solid.  It was a great time.  Met some cool people.  People from this board . . .    :D    But I digress . . . .
 After asking 5 die-fuckin-hard Morrissey fans last night for an explanation about the whole stage-rushing thing, I was told it was something that originated during Smiths shows.  The Smiths invited people onstage during their shows, so that was the origin of it.  After that, it took on a life of its own . . . .
 On the flipside of that theory, some cats are just plain crazy.  Another guy whom I asked for an explanation said AND I QUOTE,
 "Morrissey is like Jesus Christ.  The man is a vegan, he's asexual, he does not pollute his body.  I just wanted to touch him & feel his pureness.  I'm not even gay, but it's just the love.  Touch the pureness, release, then let it go . . . "
 BTW, this guy above in question will have seen Morrissey 27 times by the end of the tour.    :eek:   This is not a misprint.
 So there's your crash course on Morrissey stage-jumping 101.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #199 on: July 04, 2007, 01:40:00 pm »
Yes, basically what I said, only in more detail.

Vas Deferens

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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #200 on: July 05, 2007, 09:50:00 am »
So what did you guys think of his chest??!  :)


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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #201 on: July 05, 2007, 10:41:00 am »
Originally posted by wanderlust featuring j. marshmallow:
  So what did you guys think of his chest??!   :)  

miss pretentious

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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #202 on: July 05, 2007, 10:46:00 am »
i should have gone out. but as soon as i got home i just got into a funk and watched the WE channel all night.
 boo, perhaps i'll have to meet director another night.
Originally posted by TheDirector217:
  Apparently, I'm late on this. But when did stage-rushing become some kind of ritual at Morrissey shows??  When I think stage-rush, I don't quite imagine Morrissey.  Somebody break this down for me nice & elequent-like, please . . . .
ive seen that at every moz show ive been to since the early 90s or so? when has it not been a part of the show when someone (or lots of someones) tries to get on stage with moz and then he leaves the stage 20 mins later       :)      [/qb][/QUOTE]still waiting... anyone?  anyone?
 and what's the point in the end - to give Moz a hug?  to freak him out, or to see if he remains calm while a fan is tackled by the bouncers?  or is the point just to say that you're on stage with moz and try lasting as long as possible before being kicked off?  i really don't get it. [/qb][/QUOTE]Saw the tribute band last night . . . . They were surprisingly solid.  It was a great time.  Met some cool people.  People from this board . . .     :D     But I digress . . . .
 After asking 5 die-fuckin-hard Morrissey fans last night for an explanation about the whole stage-rushing thing, I was told it was something that originated during Smiths shows.  The Smiths invited people onstage during their shows, so that was the origin of it.  After that, it took on a life of its own . . . .
 On the flipside of that theory, some cats are just plain crazy.  Another guy whom I asked for an explanation said AND I QUOTE,
 "Morrissey is like Jesus Christ.  The man is a vegan, he's asexual, he does not pollute his body.  I just wanted to touch him & feel his pureness.  I'm not even gay, but it's just the love.  Touch the pureness, release, then let it go . . . "
 BTW, this guy above in question will have seen Morrissey 27 times by the end of the tour.     :eek:    This is not a misprint.
 So there's your crash course on Morrissey stage-jumping 101. [/QB][/QUOTE]


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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #203 on: July 05, 2007, 04:27:00 pm »
I don't understand what the problem is... it looks like after Morrissey plays Myrtle Beach, Ram's Head has multiple dates available.  What's the hold-up?


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Re: Morrissey coming to DC?
« Reply #204 on: July 05, 2007, 04:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by dave24:
  I don't understand what the problem is... it looks like after Morrissey plays Myrtle Beach, Ram's Head has multiple dates available.  What's the hold-up?
I heard DIRECT from from someone that works with booking @ Rams Head, "We are working with Morrissey's people to find a feasible date.  We would have hoped to do a date this (July) month but the club is booked through the end of the month."
 If a date doesn't pop up in the next week or so, expect an August date.  All info (unconfirmed) I've heard at this point would point towards a rescheduling as opposed to a cancellation.  Morrissey's pretty adamant about his fan base, so just stay tuned in I guess . . . . If I hear anything else, I'll let you all know.