<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dandy01:<BR><B> what? that's awesome. Too bad he's not in the picture anymore or we could've actually realized our fantasy. <P>I did see Virgin Suicides and found it to be somewhat overrated. "Playground Love" was a great track though, I have all the mixes.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>yeah i know. the girl actually lives about 3 blocks from jakes hollywood childhood home, which is awesome. needless to say.. im jealous. i loved the VS movie because i had read the book first. even if you thought the movie was overrated the book was excellent, you should pick it up sometime. the soundtrack is great - you can't deny the makeout scene in Trip's car with Heart's "Crazy on You" blasting in the background....<P>