Author Topic: if you thought camera phones were bad...  (Read 1814 times)


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if you thought camera phones were bad...
« on: April 10, 2006, 02:01:00 pm »
... just wait until you get behind some bunshole "filming" with his cool new videocamera phone.  you know, sticking his wee little hand in the air multiple times during the art brut concert to get low quality video images which will no doubt last a lifetime.
 please don't tell me that there is any regular forumite who will offer a spirited advocacy for this brand of self-absorbed ridiculousness.
 unfuckingbelievable.  seriously.

you be betty

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Re: if you thought camera phones were bad...
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2006, 02:04:00 pm »
Originally posted by yinzer:
 please don't tell me that there is any regular forumite who will offer a spirited advocacy for this brand of self-absorbed ridiculousness.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: if you thought camera phones were bad...
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2006, 02:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by yinzer:
  please don't tell me that there is any regular forumite who will offer a spirited advocacy for this brand of self-absorbed ridiculousness.
Do I think it's pointless to do? Yes. Do I think anyone doing this - no matter how egregiously - could possibly affect any normal person's enjoyment of a show? No.


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Re: if you thought camera phones were bad...
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2006, 02:12:00 pm »
i find if someone is "filming" the show with their phone in front of me, and it causes them to stick their arm in my view during the entire show...i just use the old...scream as loud as you can, as often as you can trick.  this will no doubt ruin their precious footage and cause them to stop or move...and its cool!


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Re: if you thought camera phones were bad...
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 02:16:00 pm »
i guess it all depends on one's "normal" patience level with "normal" stupid fucking asshole's public behavior.
 some people could have someone piss on their foot at a show and laugh it off, while others confronted with a similar situation would go for the neck.  either way, putting a glowing object in the air for many, many seconds many times is beyond the pale.  that's not just an opinion, it is a statement of "normal" decorum which can and should be observed in a public gathering of people viewing something, in this case a rock and roll show and a great one at that.  it hardly runined the show, but i filed it under the "new ways for assholes to behave themselves in public" file.  that's all.  just bored at work today.