One bummer that I thought about regarding this show is that the band is certain to make great use of background tapes, which it seems so many of the UK indie bands do. It would be so much cooler for them to get up there and do a 'power trio' thing (or bite the bullet and add a second guitarist), but they'll be so intent on reproducing the sonic assault of the albums that every note that they actually do play onstage will be pre-determined so that the band can follow along with the tapes. I understand that the songs are a little on the complicated side, but wouldn't it be cooler if they re-interpreted them and made them playable by a trio? That was one of the great things about the Guided by Voices show. All that racket and all those great songs were being produced by the guys on-stage, whilst being on-stage. I've been frustrated by shows by Charlatans, Stereophonics, Travis, Blur, SFA, etc. etc. etc. where I can hear about four guitar parts being played, and yet there's only one guitar player up there.