i was at the baltimore show in dec. and it was definately better. everytime the crowd would start to chatter someone would shoosh them and everyone would get quiet. it was amazing. it's so wonderful to be in a quiet room for the softer songs when you can tell that everyone is holding their breath. i didn't think the sound was too bad, but i was pretty close to front and center. there's a HUGE difference in sound when you move from different spots in the main room. and fyi, charles told me that they thought they were playing the backroom when they showed up. so no they're not getting big heads (that's more of a reply to a co-worker). as for the screwing around on stage and with the music, i like it. i'm a big fan, though, and i like to hear them go off. all around, i would give the b-more show a 10 and the bc show a 7.5.