Author Topic: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos  (Read 4149 times)

ratioci nation

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The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« on: May 09, 2006, 09:19:00 am »
 What the fuck, the crowd actually chanted USA.
 The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
 Amy Phillips reports:
 "The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos"...well, duh. Is Mark E. Smith capable of doing anything that doesn't descend into chaos? I feel like he goes to brush his teeth in the morning, and the next thing you know, the sink is shattered, wild dogs are tearing up the bathtub, and there's toothpaste and blood all over the place.
 The Fall's current American tour, which kicked off on May 2, has been no different, although there doesn't seem to have been any toothpaste involved. Last night's show at the Brick House in Phoenix was cut short when Justin Williams, frontman for the tour's opening act, the Talk, threw a banana peel at Smith's head. A banana peel! That's gotta hurt.
 According to Williams, the peel-throwing was the culmination of days of frustration with Smith. In a MySpace bulletin entitled "FUCK MARK E. SMITH HE SUCKS," Williams wrote: "MARK E. SMITH a.k.a MR. BURNS has managed to piss off his band so bad they quit and left him in america with his crazy wife slash one fingered keyboard player... MARK pulled a corkscrew on his bass player poured beer and ashed on the head of his tour manager while driving (who has also quit the tour) and played only one full set without slithering off stage to his R.V. to dive into a bottle of scotch."
 (The Fall's booking agent confirmed that the tour manager had quit, but countered that Smith had indeed played full sets at all of the trek's three previous shows.)
 Williams continued, "the man is in his late 40's and looks older than my dead grandfather i'm sorry to those out there who are fall fans but you do not know this guy he is an idiot the three other members of the fall are great guys nice as can be and i wish the best for them..."
 As far as the incident in Phoenix, Williams wrote, "i was told by the falls tour manager he and the rest of the band were going home without mark knowing and this would be the last show this really pissed me off BAD!!! if this had happened a few years ago i would have beat the shit out of him but i'm older now so i picked up a dirty banana peel ran onto the stage and threw it in his face as hard as i could and walked away he ran after me with some 1800's English boxing hands and wanted to fight i laughed and walked away knowing in my head this man has only a few years left..."
 Pitchfork reader Jeff Moore, who attended the show, wrote in to say that Smith returned to the stage a few minutes later. "Mr. Smith distractedly continued the set while removing bits of flung matter from his hair, several times smirking. After several half-hearted attempts to reassert his trademark amp-twiddling, mic-disdaining stage persona, he approached [wife Elena] Poulou at the keyboard. After a brief discussion, the two left the stage, once again leaving bass, guitar, and drums to finish the song in a vocal vacuum. At the close of the song, they too stoically filed offstage."
 "Several minutes later Ms. Poulou returned to the stage to announce that the Fall would be unable to continue the show. Her brief announcement was cut from the 'we were not shown the respect that we deserve' mold, which was not well received by audience members since the assault came not from members of the crowd, but from the opening band. She also referenced technical difficulties early in the set before telling the crowd "'I'm sorry' and vacating the empty stage to a chorus of booing and chants of 'USA, USA'."
 "USA, USA"??!! WTF? Is this a punk show or a NASCAR rally? Reader Bill Smith added that the crowd also yelled "Down with the British!" Come on, people, what's wrong with you?!
 Williams offered an apology: "p.s. sorry to everyone in phoenix i threw a banana at mark during the show i know you payed good money to see that shit but if it was not for us talking the rest of the band to come to phoenix they would not have even showed up so be lucky you even got that much do not be mad at us be mad at MARK E. SMITH he does not care if you were there or not he does not care about his fans trust me i know first hand"
 The Fall's official website said only, "Apologies to all for the curtailed set, caused by technical problems." I guess bananas do technically count as technology...if you're a monkey.
 As of right now, the fate of the rest of the tour is obviously in doubt. But we'll keep you posted about what's going on-- whether it's another fight, more fruit projectiles, or just plain old drunken craziness.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2006, 09:49:00 am »
ah, good to see not much has changed in the wonderful and frightening world. somewhat surprising since MES had been on pretty good behavior the last few tours, but i suppose it was only a matter of time. the show i saw at the black cat back in '95 was almost a legendary chaotic show, his then-wife/keyboardist walked off after two songs and never came back, but the rest of the show went on. the next night MES was arrested in new york for domestic violence, or something like that. i guess i probably shouldn't make plans to go up to brooklyn to see them in a few weeks...

Sir HC

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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2006, 11:26:00 am »
Shouldn't this thread be titled:
 More Normal Fall Happennings o' the Day


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2006, 06:58:00 pm »
BookerT, i thought that tour was the 1998 one?
 this was hilarious. i love the fall, but anybody who thinks mark e smith isn't an asshole needs a reality check. dude looks like a rotting corpse.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2006, 07:10:00 pm »
yeah yeah, '98, not '95, my bad. i doubt my dad would have let me be around such an unseemly dude when i was that young. and man does he look terrible, he's 50 going on 75. i always like to say he looks like the midget in twin peaks after a 3-day binge. the best part of the continuing story is that he apparently asked the talk -- the band that threw the banana at him -- to be his backing band. they aren't even off the tour, it seems. hilarious. and yes, MES is a huuuuge asshole, but that's a large part of what makes him great. i mean, let's face it -- everybody wants to be an asshole. at least he's earned the right to act out on it.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2006, 11:32:00 pm »
This article made for some great reading. LOL! Oh, what a character! He often reminds me of some Skid Row bum who cleaned up for a gig but, as you can imagine, can only be cleaned up so much.
 When I saw them at the Black Cat a few years ago, I kept thinking that it was sort of like witnessing a musical Charles Bukowski. Makes for great decadent art but what a mess of a life.

Sir HC

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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 05:34:00 am »
They did play one of the first Black Cat shows, before they even had all the sound system installed.  The band was threatening to quit that night.  I was bummed to miss that show.  Would have been around 95.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2006, 06:40:00 am »
This Black Cat show was maybe 3 years ago. That too almost didn't happen since Mark E. ODed backstage just before he was due to go on. Never the less, the show was delayed but it did go on. Somehow he eventually came around but about 3/4 of the way through the show, we all thought he was going to haul off and attack his wife for some reason which made for a few tense moments. Fortunately, he settled on turning off her sound.
 The very, very end of the show consisted of some roadie coming out onstage and playing the Hell out of some homemade Hillbillie instrument. Really a great night all in all.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2006, 11:20:00 am »
Man. I didn??t believe that he was really that bad till I saw it for myself. I thought people were exaggerating about him.
 My story:
 I saw them at the Black Cat like, what, 5 years ago? Anyway they came on stage and Mark E. was noticeably wasted or very sick or both. He played the first song and was spitting and picking his nose. Midway through like the second or third song he looked at the audience and said ??This is the worst mistake I have ever made!? and walked off stage. The band finished the song like they were hoping he would come back. After that they left the stage too. In about 15 minutes they all came back on for a song or two while Mark E. was walking around the stage sabotaging everyone??s equipment. Turning knobs, taking apart the drum set, pulling out cables etc? Then he just walked off again. Again the band goes looking for him. This time they were gone for like a half an hour or so and came back on with out him.  They started playing again. I hear Mark E??s voice but he wasn??t singing on time and he wasn??t anywhere in sight. Then I realized that they recorded his voice into a walkman and were trying to play it live into the mic. After that totally failed they just quit.
  I think they maybe played like 3 or 4 songs all the way through.
 At least we got to throw things at him.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2006, 11:29:00 am »
Originally posted by Sir HC:
  Shouldn't this thread be titled:
 More Normal Fall Happennings o' the Day
That was pretty funny, maybe instead of "Fall", it could be whatever type of music they try to play (Punk, Indie, Emo, Metal, Classical).  Maybe it's only funny with "Hip Hop" since most people on here don't listen to it.

Vas Deferens

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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2006, 09:00:00 am »
 Three members quit the Fall tour......tour continues with replacement musicians  :)


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2006, 08:19:00 pm »
Can you imagine The Fall and The Brian Jonestown Massacre teeming up for a tour?   :D  
 I doubt they would get very far but something as potentially explosive as that would have to be recorded, documentary style, for all of us who love rubber necking at musical disasters. It would put Dig to shame. Almost wish it would happen. LOL.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2006, 10:02:00 pm »
Originally posted by Monad:
  Man. I didn??t believe that he was really that bad till I saw it for myself. I thought people were exaggerating about him.
 My story:
 I saw them at the Black Cat like, what, 5 years ago? Anyway they came on stage and Mark E. was noticeably wasted or very sick or both. He played the first song and was spitting and picking his nose. Midway through like the second or third song he looked at the audience and said ??This is the worst mistake I have ever made!? and walked off stage. The band finished the song like they were hoping he would come back. After that they left the stage too. In about 15 minutes they all came back on for a song or two while Mark E. was walking around the stage sabotaging everyone??s equipment. Turning knobs, taking apart the drum set, pulling out cables etc? Then he just walked off again. Again the band goes looking for him. This time they were gone for like a half an hour or so and came back on with out him.  They started playing again. I hear Mark E??s voice but he wasn??t singing on time and he wasn??t anywhere in sight. Then I realized that they recorded his voice into a walkman and were trying to play it live into the mic. After that totally failed they just quit.
  I think they maybe played like 3 or 4 songs all the way through.
 At least we got to throw things at him.
i'm gonna have to call shenanigans on this story. the fall played the black cat in 98 at the show snailhook and i were talking about earlier. nothing like the above happened there. they next time they came through was 2003, then again in 2004. nothing like the above description happened at either of those, either. so either this is completely made up or you have venue confusion. just sayin'...


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2006, 05:23:00 pm »
Originally posted by BookerT:
Originally posted by Monad:
  Man. I didn??t believe that he was really that bad till I saw it for myself. I thought people were exaggerating about him.
 My story:
 I saw them at the Black Cat like, what, 5 years ago? Anyway they came on stage and Mark E. was noticeably wasted or very sick or both. He played the first song and was spitting and picking his nose. Midway through like the second or third song he looked at the audience and said ??This is the worst mistake I have ever made!? and walked off stage. The band finished the song like they were hoping he would come back. After that they left the stage too. In about 15 minutes they all came back on for a song or two while Mark E. was walking around the stage sabotaging everyone??s equipment. Turning knobs, taking apart the drum set, pulling out cables etc? Then he just walked off again. Again the band goes looking for him. This time they were gone for like a half an hour or so and came back on with out him.  They started playing again. I hear Mark E??s voice but he wasn??t singing on time and he wasn??t anywhere in sight. Then I realized that they recorded his voice into a walkman and were trying to play it live into the mic. After that totally failed they just quit.
  I think they maybe played like 3 or 4 songs all the way through.
 At least we got to throw things at him.
i'm gonna have to call shenanigans on this story. the fall played the black cat in 98 at the show snailhook and i were talking about earlier. nothing like the above happened there. they next time they came through was 2003, then again in 2004. nothing like the above description happened at either of those, either. so either this is completely made up or you have venue confusion. just sayin'... [/b]
Sorry I am so late on this.
 Yeah like I said it was way earlier than that. Actually Sept 94. There were two drummers and MES had just broken up with Julia(She was his wife right? I am not really into this band so I don't know.)like a couple days before and was a wreck.
 I am sure you still won't believe me so here is a quote from a Washington Post article about the 98 show referencing the show I was at. Also I will include the link to the actual archive article to remove further doubt.
 "When the Fall last played at the Black Cat, almost four years ago, irascible singer Mark E. Smith spent most of the set offstage. Sunday night at the same club, it was keyboardist Julia Nagle who disappeared after a few songs. That wasn't as dramatic as losing the singer, but the effect was a little odd..." at
 I will try to be more thorough in the future when I talk about recollections from 12 years ago but admittedly I have a bad memory.


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Re: The Fall Tour Descends Into Chaos
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2006, 06:08:00 pm »
well there is a pretty big difference between 5 years ago and 12 years ago, you gotta admit. and i didn't see where you said it was way earlier than that. still don't. do you have the ticket stub? is there a photo of you entering the club? can i speak to someone you went to the show with? huh? HUH?!?!