The positive quotes were from allmy$to930, bombay chutney, god's shoeshine and redsock, respectively.
The sole negative comment was from Markie.
The reason for including the positive comments was to dispel the notion that they were "underwhelming." Descriptions such as "fantastic" and "great show" are hardly underwhelming.
1. An opinion or position reached by a group as a whole.
2. General agreement or accord.
With four times as many positive reviews as negative ones, it is ridiculous to claim that the group as a whole had a negative opinion of the show. It is even more absurd that someone who claims to have advanced degrees in mathematics would find it so. Typical; but still absurd.
Originally posted by Celeste:
it would be interesting to know which posters made each comment, since, perhaps the comments of certain posters are weighted more than others when being considered by certain other posters...
why did you not post the one negative comment?