Since we're on a little Friday story tangent...
We had our heating system serviced (or it might have been the bug guy...both came out the same day)....and the guy had a long pony tail and facial piercings...and seeing my wife's guitar tried to engage her in a conversation about music...asked her what type of music she liked...I think she said "um, I Wilco, the Shins, and Brazilian music"...and he said, "Oh, alternative." And she said, "no, more like indie rock."
So he explains that he's in a band, and that they are openers at JAXX all the time, and that she should come check his band out sometime, handing her his business card.
And she asks him what instrument he plays. And right on beat, he responds, "I'm the BACKUP drummer."
Originally posted by nkotb:
My anecdotal evidence: At my new job, I got into a music conversation with people that admittedly dont' listen to much music. A guy told me his favorite bands were perviously Coldplay (ugh) and Three Doors Down (double ugh), but then he saw Garden State and is now in love with the Shins.
Ok, that proves nothing. I just thought it was funny.