The religous knowledge teacher threw it at me for talking in class and he got me right on the ear with the corner of the book. NEVER spoke in religous knowledge class again.
Enid Blyton series, loved em!
"Stig of the dump" A great kids book about a boy who befriended another boy that lived in a trash heap. I can't find the damn thing anywhere, tried to find it for Kathleen and will try again for Rory.
"Epaminondas" Another great kids book about a little boy who lived with his grandmother and was always getting into trouble. Can't find that one either but it was probably taken out of print because in todays world is not pc.
Grown up books are just too damn serious. I read biographies/memoirs/non-fiction only. Just finished one about Hitler and now reading David Beckham's autobiography then Roy Keane's next.