Author Topic: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...  (Read 2030291 times)


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1170 on: September 19, 2008, 04:23:00 pm »
being so close to hunting season, wont all of you mccain supporters be distracted as well


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1171 on: September 20, 2008, 01:07:00 pm »
are most mccain supporters literate enough to check the right box?

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1172 on: September 20, 2008, 01:10:00 pm »
They're intelligent enough not to vote for a guy whose entire experience in national politics consists of showing up for approximately 140 days of Senate service and 550+ days of campaigning for office.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1173 on: September 20, 2008, 03:32:00 pm »
right then, now that the mud has been flung, can we get back to focusing on how cool it is that smackie is actually doing something to move democracy forward instead of just talking about it, like we are here on this bboard?
 hope you have a good time, smax, and let's hope that ohio goes blue!  can't wait to hear of your tales from the front lines.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1174 on: September 20, 2008, 03:43:00 pm »
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  can we get back to focusing on how cool it is that smackie is actually doing something to move democracy forward
Trying to elect an unqualified celebrity who will ruin our nation and the Democratic Party isn't going to move democracy forward. In fact, its the greatest abuse to democracy a society can take part in. No one should be proud of him.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1175 on: September 21, 2008, 09:56:00 am »
I sometimes wonder whether Julian's period is in-sync with Hillary's.
 Either way, have fun smackie!
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  can we get back to focusing on how cool it is that smackie is actually doing something to move democracy forward
Trying to elect an unqualified celebrity who will ruin our nation and the Democratic Party isn't going to move democracy forward. In fact, its the greatest abuse to democracy a society can take part in. No one should be proud of him. [/b]


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1176 on: September 22, 2008, 08:43:00 am »
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
  Trying to elect an unqualified celebrity who will ruin our nation and the Democratic Party isn't going to move democracy forward. In fact, its the greatest abuse to democracy a society can take part in. No one should be proud of him.
you mean palin? i think shes a girl, mr weblebrity


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1177 on: September 24, 2008, 10:55:00 am »
 so i'm looking into more home networking / media extender stuff, although i don't think i'm ready yet for the network-attached storage option that you've gone with
 here's my basic setup:
 in an upstairs den i have a desktop with vista home premium (windows media center-capable) and 19" and 22" widescreen monitors (the 22" will also be hooked up to an HD directv receiver) ... i also just bought this d-link wireless-n/gigabit router to sit in that den
 so in the living room downstairs i'll have my DLP and home theater system hooked up to a directv HD-DVR, and i'd like to be able to stream video/music/photos/etc to this system from my desktop upstairs ... i haven't looked that much into the directv DVR capabilities, but it doesn't look like it will handle everything i need (specifically video)
 i know you've recommmended the   popcorn hour and xbox360 ... my friend is giving me a really hard sell on PS3, says that using it as a media extender with a program like tversity is just as good as the xbox experience
 it's going to come down for me to getting the most bang for my buck ... it seems like basic media extenders like popcorn hour and others are in the $200-300 range, while i can get an xbox360 for $299 and a PS3 for $399 ... while i'm not a hardcore gamer, i have ~20 old PS2 games and i tool around on PC games sometimes, i'd definitely make use of a gaming system ... so i'd probably end up getting an xbox360 or ps3 over a dedicated media extender
 one big question i have about xbox360 is its lack of wireless connectivity ... i may end up going with a wired connection with my desktop anyway to better stream HD content, but i'm a bit put off that i would have to buy an $80 wireless adapter for the xbox ... are there cheaper xbox wireless options?  could i add a gigabit card to the xbox?
 the main thing holding me back from the PS3 is price ($100 more than xbox), and concern that the media extender experience may not be as smooth as the xbox ... do you or anyone else have any experience with using the PS3 as a media extender?
 one thing that i do like about xbox v. ps3 is that you can play your own music in-game on the xbox, not so with ps3 ... but you obviously get blu-ray with PS3 ... i'm not totally sold yet on blu-ray, but it will be nice to have going forward
 not apropos to the networking issue ... i'm also thinking about selling the 22" upstairs and getting this 28" beast (it's amazing how much the cost of big monitors has come down), but i'll probably wait until x-mas sales to do something drastic like that


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1178 on: September 24, 2008, 12:39:00 pm »
Hoya, I'll get to your's in a little while.
 For those of you in Baltimore:
  <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1179 on: September 24, 2008, 02:14:00 pm »
 Welcome back to DirecTV.  Before you buy anything, test your HR20. Improvements are being made weekly and it also works with Tversity.  If you'd like to be part of the community improving tversity on the HR20, send me a PM/email.  The interface is not very slick, but it might meet your needs.  For the record, I don't use my HR20 but for beta-testing for DirecTV, and not because of limitations - it's just not as user friendly or as slick as the 360.  All the music we listen to in our main room is now from the server and it has to be user-friendly for smackette...
 I have yet to have a good experience with wireless HD, so if that's the hang up, I'd be more concerned about your network then your media device.  If you are unable to hookup your home theater system to a wired network, expect a decent amount of headache.  How far from the router is your system?  Even an N router one room over can be trouble - it sounds like yours is upstairs/downstairs so music should be fine, but HD movies are going to be tough.  Now, when I say HD, it all depneds on your source and if your source files are small (for example, most bit torrent under 4 GB is not full HD), then the G vs. N won't matter much.
 The Xbox vs. Ps3 debate is really a preference of games - nothing more, nothing less.  There are pros and cons to both systems, but I'll tell you my thoughts on both.
 First, the wireless in the PS3 is G and I don't recommend it for streaming HD, though it should be fine for most video content.  But for $70 you can get a wireless N and still pay less for a wireless 360 than the PS3.  The user interfaces for both are about to be updated, so I wouldn't pay much attention to that right now - wait a month if you can and see what they come up with.  I can tell you this, the current Vista Media Center PC on the 360 is the best I've seen though (even smackette likes to use it, and she's not much of a techie at all).  If your source computer for most of your media is going to be a Vista MC PC, you should do yourself a favor and at least look at the Vista MC experience on the 360.  Who knows what they'll do to it next...
 I've discounted all tangible media in my equations, so I won't pay a premium for Blu-Ray (or HD-DVD).  I haven't purchased a DVD or CD in over a year, maybe two, relying solely on rental models and downloads.  The first company to allow for a $20 license for unlimited downloadable movies that expire (a Netflix meets Xbox Live Marketplace model) has my allegiance for the next 5 years...I agree with Sony, Blu-Ray's dead in 5 years.  It's already dead to me.  
 You cannot add a gigabit card to the 360, but I stream HD to the 360 from my server and it's fine with the 10/100 card (althoguh strangely, adding a gig router made a huge improvement).  Yes, I'd like the gig card for faster reading of large Db's (like 40K songs), but it's been fine without.
 As for the monitor, sweet.  Monitors are getting cheaper because TV's with tuners are now accepting PC's creating competition (and touch screens are the future in the 2009 Operating Systems so the price of non-touch monitors will continue to plummet).  It's nice, and as long as you have a digital source like cable or satellite, those are the way to go.  It should meet my $400 threashold shortly which means HD for the bedroom (I'm also holding out for Multi-room viewing with DirecTV before going HD in the bedroom).


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1180 on: September 24, 2008, 03:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
 Welcome back to DirecTV.  Before you buy anything, test your HR20. Improvements are being made weekly and it also works with Tversity.  If you'd like to be part of the community improving tversity on the HR20, send me a PM/email.  The interface is not very slick, but it might meet your needs.  For the record, I don't use my HR20 but for beta-testing for DirecTV, and not because of limitations - it's just not as user friendly or as slick as the 360.  All the music we listen to in our main room is now from the server and it has to be user-friendly for smackette...
interesting ... so i may be able to use the directv DVR to stream video from my vista desktop?  that would change everything (and open up some of my tech budget for that monitor...)
Originally posted by vansmack:
 I have yet to have a good experience with wireless HD, so if that's the hang up, I'd be more concerned about your network then your media device.  If you are unable to hookup your home theater system to a wired network, expect a decent amount of headache.  How far from the router is your system?  Even an N router one room over can be trouble - it sounds like yours is upstairs/downstairs so music should be fine, but HD movies are going to be tough.  Now, when I say HD, it all depneds on your source and if your source files are small (for example, most bit torrent under 4 GB is not full HD), then the G vs. N won't matter much.
yeah it's an upstairs/downstairs setup, but the rooms are right on top of each other and each has windows, so it might be pretty easy to drop a cable down the side of the house
Originally posted by vansmack:
 The Xbox vs. Ps3 debate is really a preference of games - nothing more, nothing less.  There are pros and cons to both systems, but I'll tell you my thoughts on both.
so everything the 360 can do in terms of media extender capabilities the PS3 can also handle?  it all just comes down to how slick the interfaces are?
Originally posted by vansmack:
 As for the monitor, sweet.  Monitors are getting cheaper because TV's with tuners are now accepting PC's creating competition (and touch screens are the future in the 2009 Operating Systems so the price of non-touch monitors will continue to plummet).  It's nice, and as long as you have a digital source like cable or satellite, those are the way to go.  It should meet my $400 threashold shortly which means HD for the bedroom (I'm also holding out for Multi-room viewing with DirecTV before going HD in the bedroom).
i use my 22" widescreen monitor right now as a bedroom TV (hooked up to a comcast HD-DVR) and i absolutely love it ... you can get one for ~$170 right now, which is pretty ridiculous ... 22" is a little small, but it works fine for the bedroom
 i don't see the benefit of buying a TV under 32" when you can get a monitor for similar prices ... seems like most TVs can't handle the resolution from PC input that monitors can (the 28" i linked to is 1900x1200, while most TVs give you 1366x768) ... if you ever want to hook a PC up to the TV/monitor and you have a cable/satellite box, why would you ever go with a sub-32" TV rather than a monitor?


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1181 on: September 24, 2008, 04:23:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  interesting ... so i may be able to use the directv DVR to stream video from my vista desktop?  
Yes, although the codecs can be limited. I've ripped all of my movies to file types that both the 360 and the HR20 can play.  But some downloaded movies can be problematic in terms of not being able to play certain codecs - it's trial and error really.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1182 on: September 24, 2008, 04:26:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  yeah it's an upstairs/downstairs setup, but the rooms are right on top of each other and each has windows, so it might be pretty easy to drop a cable down the side of the house
Try the wireless solution and see if it meets your needs.  The Linksys-N gaming adapter can be used by both the 360 and the HR20 so you can try it on both.  If it's too slow, do a cable drop and sell the adapter - they're fairly popular.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1183 on: September 24, 2008, 04:31:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  so everything the 360 can do in terms of media extender capabilities the PS3 can also handle?  it all just comes down to how slick the interfaces are?
Not necessarily.  A lot of it depends on your media server software (WMP 11, tversity, media tomb, etc) and each machine varies on which codecs it supports vs. which codecs your software supports.
 For example, a WMP11 movie served up by Windows XP Media Center cannot be played on my 360, however, if I copy the movie to a flash drive and plug it directly into the 360, it plays without a hitch.  You're going to run into this a lot with whichever media server software and media center hardware you get.  After you figure out what combinations work, though, and you start ripping to strictly those combinations, then it only comes down to interface.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #1184 on: September 24, 2008, 04:43:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
 i don't see the benefit of buying a TV under 32" when you can get a monitor for similar prices ... seems like most TVs can't handle the resolution from PC input that monitors can (the 28" i linked to is 1900x1200, while most TVs give you 1366x768) ... if you ever want to hook a PC up to the TV/monitor and you have a cable/satellite box, why would you ever go with a sub-32" TV rather than a monitor?
Because some people still require a TV tuner.  We are fortunate enough to live in big metro areas where we are served with all our local channels in HD (except PBS).  But if you lived in rural Kansas, DirecTV or your cable company may not provide you with all of your local channels in HD.  
 In SF, our PBS is broadcast in HD, though HD is not available from DirecTV.  Comcast offers it in HD, but not the subchannels.  So with my TV with a tuner and an antenna I get our local PBS in HD and all the subchannels, which I don't get through DirecTV.  It's nice to have in the front room for the occasional Austin City Limits in HD, but probably not necessary in the bed room, where I would use a monitor.
 Some in high risk weather areas also use them if their signal goes out, though I've never had to.