god hit me upside the head for saying this . . . but i totally called this to my partner once we got heavy into netflix streaming. it was, and still is , awesome and a cool way to watch movies. i just wish the selection on the streaming was better than "straight to dvd" quaility film and horrible selection of tv series. but i don't have cable, so shut up walkonby . . . you get what you get and you like it. i told my partner, that they should have seperate accounts for people (like older people and curmudgeons) who don't stream to tv or would never ever watch a movie on a computer screen, and one for those who love it and need it. raise the prices, hopefully use that money to finally offer a better selection in the streaming. i will like that and i will pay for that. but what do i know . . . i like widespread panic, and i don't mind paying ticket fees because i like ticket selling companies.