My Death Star is almost fully operational.
Closer than I thought, actually. I spent my free time this week rebuilding my network with this enterprise class equipment, complete with Cat6 throughput and a new Synology NAS.
Turns out Comcast's equipment was not prepared for this much firepower and their coaxial cable fried. The result was that every other customer on this local plant (at least 2 square blocks) had pixelated television screens and their internet had slowed to a crawl. Mine of course, was crytstal clear and blazing fast.
So the Comcast guy knocks on my door and looks at what I did and said "Impressive. I don't see anything wrong with it, so let's just put a filter on your line and that should clear it up for everyone else."
That filter is in my apt, and I'm the only one with access to it. I can envision a scenario where the Giants and the Angels are in the World Series and unless things are going the Halo's way, that filter's coming off.
And to think, I was just joking when I named my new SSID "Alderaan #neverforget"...