I have a lot of points to make today, woooo...
1) Unless they are extremely extremely extremely tight on budget, it isn't that difficult for a liquor serving venue to do a little research, get their permits, hire one more burly tatooed guy to X hands at the door, and host all-ages shows. The Black Cat and 9:30 are obviously prime examples. It's really not that difficult. But different owners are trying to create different sorts of atmospheres. To me, it's extremely important to give people of all ages the chance to go to shows as regularly as they want to. Like the On Tap article said, everyone is entitled to hear live music. Additionally, it gives kids something to do. And the kids that are regularly going to the area concerts are not the kids that try to sneak in the weed and the beer and what have you. And if it's really necessary, most of us are smart enough to at least get wasted somewhere else down the street beforehand where you aren't going to get in trouble or kicked out of the club. Yes, there are always going to be kids that are going to ruin it for the rest of us and make it more difficult on the venues by not respecting the simple rules. But we're not all idiots here.
2) Redsock, thank you thank you thank you for making the effort to book the all-ages shows. It means the world to me, it really does.
3) Don't blame economics. If the venues around here were that concerned about making more money, they could. The kids around here are absolutely loaded.
4) Tell the writer of the On Tap article that booking isn't that big of a deal. Some friends that I go to school with are in a band that played the Velvet Lounge a few times when we were in 9th and 10th grade. We couldn't go see the shows, but they were definitely allowed to play
5) The other venues - Nissan, Merriweather, DAR, Verizon (MCI)...the shows do cost a ton of money. And for those of us with parents that don't pay their way through their concert-going ventures, going to shows regularly is way too pricey. They also don't typically book obscure electronic bands...
6) There are some great local bands playing around right now, so I have no idea what you're talking about and resent that you even said that. I know Snailhook is into different stuff, but it doesn't mean the others don't exist and aren't working their asses off. Go to the Black Cat on the 22nd and maybe you'll see what I mean.