Hey Seth...
According to an email I stumbled across today, the Beastie Boys are embarking on a tour that includes "two types of shows this summer, 'regular' shows and 'gala events'" and "THE GALA EVENTS will be in smaller spots, more exclusive, more intimate. this will be more like quality time, our time, just you and the band sitting by a fire on a tropical beach late at night being serenaded with love songs. these shows are for people that are into our weird stuff, so if you want to get weird together, this is your call. these shows will be based around the instruments. some songs will have vocals, others will be instrumental. BUT if you'd like to come to one of these shows, then dress to impress, wear a suit, a tie, a dress, a gown or whatever you feel dressed up in... AND PLEASE leave your cargo shorts, birkenstocks and t-shirts at home, this is not that kind of party."
Would we be able to consider the 930 a potential condidate for one of the gala events by chance?